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This story takes place in Paris. Marinette is Ladybug. She's the only superhero. She also has a crush on Adrien but he's not a superhero or anything. There's no hawkmoth as well just robberies and stuff.

Marinette has an amazing life. But what happens when Marinette happens to be in a situation where there was a big robbery. A gang of villains from Japan was here. And they had superpowers as well. What happens when the supervillain Dynamite falls in love with the sweet innocent civilian? What happens when she falls in love too even though she shouldn't? What happens when she has to choose between her love for the villain or the safety of the civilians?


I give full credits to wolfie_Gachatuber15 for the idea.

Thank you again!

I accept requests for more stories Bakunette or just Bakugou x reader. Anything you like I will try to make it!

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