Chapter 7

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(Hey guys! Just a warning that there will be an attempt to rape. Just a warning. It's a small amount but just letting you guys know! Enjoy!)

A few weeks pass by. Ladybug still fights Ground Zero and his gang but still can't take them down. 
Ground Zero comes to visit me often every night and he teases me and I get flustered. 
I'm not sure about my feelings for Adrien. I don't stutter anymore. I could talk with him normally. But I'm not sure. 

Right now I'm walking home after a fight. It's past midnight and I got lost. We took the fight into another part of the city, a part that I'm not familiar with. And it's dark so it's much scarier. Tikki's in my bag resting. It was kind of cold and spooky right now.
"sigh Get it together Marinette. You're Ladybug. You can't be scared of the dark." I tried encouraging myself. 
"Well well well~ What's a cutie like you doing out here?" A man said. He was tall. Fat. Ugly and had a shaggy beard growing. He had disgusting clothes on and smelled terrible. He had an ugly smirk on as well. 
Usually, I wouldn't be scared but since it's dark and I'm all alone and Tikki can't transform right now...I'm terrified.
"Uhh umm....S-sorry sir. I'm just leaving." I tried walking around him but he blocked me. I tried moving away but he grabbed my arm and pushed me roughly against the wall. I felt the pain in my head and I groaned. He came closer and grabbed my tiny hands and pinned them up on top of my head. 
"Now...I haven't gotten laid in weeks. Stay still!"
I started struggling once I realized what he was going to do. He slapped me really hard on my face leaving a red mark. 
"Let me go! Stop!" He started kissing and biting my neck. It hurt really bad and I felt disgusted. His hands roamed my body which made me want to gag.
"Let me go!" I didn't notice but I started crying when I thought I wouldn't be saved. I save so many people...but who's there to save me?
He started taking off my clothes. I kept crying but my struggle was getting weaker. 
He took off the hoodie I was wearing and started kneading my boob. He started sucking on them as well while I cried even harder. 
Then he was about to take off my pants when suddenly he got tackled off of me. I gasped and looked to the side to see the man under another person. It was so dark I couldn't see who it was. I slowly sat down with my back against the wall and started sobbing. 
There were punches being thrown and grunts and shouts.
Then silence.
I kept my face in my arms and quietly sobbed. I felt so pathetic. I felt hands on my shoulders and I pushed them away and almost screamed until I saw those beautiful red eyes filled with concern and worry. 
"Blueberry." He murmured. I threw my arms over his shoulders and around his neck. I sobbed into his shoulder while he rubbed my back and soothed me with calm soothing words. He grabbed me and put me on his lap.
"It's alright. I got you. I got you now."
"He-He was- He was about to-to-"
"I know...I know. I got you. Shh."
"I'm so sorry. I should have come earlier." He whispered into my hair. He moved my face and looked at it whipping my tears away.
"I got you. I'm so sorry." He whispered.
"I need you." I whimpered and snuggled back into his neck smelling his comforting scent.
"I got you." He slowly stood up and held me up as well. My legs were wrapped around his waist and my arms were around his neck.
"Hold on tight." He murmured and he started running. 

We got to my balcony but I still didn't want to let go.
"C'mon Blueberry. Let's go to your room."
"I don't want to let go."
"I'm going to stay right by your side, I promise." He gently kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back. I slowly let go of him and stood in front of him.
"Now...let's go inside. You gotta tell your parents you're home."
"What do I say? How I got on the balcony."
"Say...Ladybug found you and dropped you off?"
"Ok." It was actually a great idea.
He helped me inside my room and I went downstairs and found my parents and explained that I got lost and Ladybug helped me. I didn't tell them about the man. 
Once I said good night and kissed their cheeks I went back to my room. 
Ground Zero was sitting on my bed. He smiled lightly at me and I smiled back. I went and changed into pj's in my bathroom. 
I got out and climbed into my bed. Ground Zero sat there with open arms. I smiled weekly and climbed into his arms and cuddled into his warm hard chest.
"I got you. My Blueberry."
"Yours. " I muttered lowly, slowly falling asleep in his warm arms. 

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