Chapter 9

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A few days passes since the incident. I get nightmares still but Katsu is always there. 

"Huh? What? Where am I?"
"Girl! You slept through the whole class. Are you alright?"
"Yea Marinette. You've been really tired these past few days. Are you alright? Did something happen?" Adrien asked.
"N-no...I'm fine. Just tired."
"Here. Let me drop you home."
"It's fine Adrien."
"No, I'm serious Marinette."
Adrien walked me home. We talked normally. I realized I didn't have a crush on him anymore. 
"Thanks again, Adrien."
"No problem Marinette. Let me know if anything bothering you. Have a good day! Bye!"
I waved at him and went to my room. I did my homework and ate dinner with my parents.
"Let's go for a run."
I transformed and ran out of my room. 
I just ran around. I ran and ran until I got tired and couldn't run anymore. I landed on the Eiffel Tower and sat down. 
I realized it started raining but I just sat still. 

Katsuki's POV:

"Hey, Bakubro! Where ya going?"
"Nowhere Shitty hair! Leave me the fuck alone!"
"He's obviously going to visit his girlfriend which I found first!"
"She's not my fucking girlfriend! And don't you ever lay a finger on her unless you're protecting her from danger!"
"Yea yea. Whatever. Go visit your girlfriend." I blushed and left our hideout. It was about to rain soon so I ran towards my Blueberry's house. 
I don't know. I've been feeling weird whenever I'm around her. She's beautiful. Kind and amazing. She's kind but at the same time, she could be mean. I could stare at her bluebell eyes and never get bored.
I sighed.
I jumped on her balcony and realized her lights were off. 
I hope she didn't go to sleep yet. I love hearing her talk about her day. 
I went inside and realized she wasn't there. I waited just in case she was in the bathroom but she never came. 20 minutes passed and she never came. There were no noises. 
"Blueberry?" I murmured to myself. 
I ran out of her room and started searching the city. 
I was wearing a black shirt with a black jacket over it. I also had on black pants. 
It started raining later on but I still couldn't find her.
I jumped on the Eifell Tower. 
And there I saw a figure. I realized it was Ladybug. As much as I wanted to kill her right now, I needed to find my Blueberry right now.
"Ground Zero!? What are you doing here?" She jumped into a stance.
"Not right now! I need your help! Someone close to me is missing!"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng! She's missing! And she just got sexually assaulted by a random man a few days ago! She can't be alone at night!"
"How do you know she's not at home?"
"I went! It's dark and quiet! Please! You gotta help me! It's raining too!"
"....Fine. You go that side. I'll go this side. Come back here in an hour."
"Got it."
I jumped the way I was supposed to go while she went to the other side.
"Blueberry. Where are you?" I whispered. 

Marinette's POV:

I can't believe he's looking for me. With Ladybug. 
I ran home and de-transformed.
"Tikki! What do I do?"
"Well, first you should think of a story to tell him. Then go meet him as Ladybug and tell him you found you."
I got Tikki some cookies and thought of a story then transformed and landed on the Eifell Tower.
I waited for a few more minutes when I saw him land a few feet away from me.
"Did you find her!? I couldn't find her anywhere! Fuck! I told her to be careful! Ugh!"
"Woah Woah. Calm down. I found her. She's at home right now."
"Oh thank god! I gotta go!"
Before he ran off he stopped and turned his head my way.
"And uhh thank you. For finding her."
"No problem Ground Zero." I smiled at him and then ran off. I needed to find a shortcut home and get there first. 
I landed in front of my house and ran inside. I de-transformed and then walked up into my room. 
Once I opened the door and walked inside I was pulled into a big hug.
My face was stuffed into Katsu's warm chest and his arms were wrapped around my waist and head keeping me in place. 
I listened to his heartbeat while waiting for him to calm down.
"Fuck. Marinette. I-I thought I lost you. I got so scared when you weren't here. It was so dark outside and then it started raining. I-I thought I wouldn't see you again."
"Katsu. Look at me." He moved my head and looked down at me. He was crying. He has tears on his cheeks and a pout.
I slowly whipped the tears away.
"Katsu. I'm here. I'm so sorry I made you worry. I'm alright. I just went for a walk to calm my thoughts. I'm sorry."
"It's fine. Just don't go out at night alone."
He sighed and lifted me up and carried me to my bed. 
He laid down and made me lay next to him and he cuddled me into his body. 
He leaned down and pecked my lips.
"Good night."
I just stared at his sleeping face. He kissed me. My lips. I lightly traced my lips. 
I sighed and fell asleep.

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