Chapter 13

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(The outfit above is the one Camie wore. Enjoy!)

He carried me for a while on rooftops. Sometimes he would use explosions to help him jump from places.
A few minutes later he stopped.
"Ok Blueberry. We're here."
I slowly got off of him and he held my waist to help steady me. 
"Thank you." I smiled at him. He smirked and leaned down to kiss me but I blocked him by putting my hand on my lip.
"Not now."
"Tch...fine." He blushed then grabbed my hand and pulled me towards this door. We were in an alleyway by the way.
He knocked on the door and some big buff dude opened it.
"Sup Ground Zero. Didn't see you here for a while."
" busy with something," he said while winking at me. I blushed lightly while looking at my shoes.
"Well...enjoy your time here." He opened the door more and Katsu dragged me in. We both walked through a dark hallway and then some stairs.
"Stay close to me and you'll be fine. No one is going to hurt you but I don't want to lose you. Ok? And if anyone touches you, tell me."
We got to the top of the stairs and there was another door.
"Ready? We're gonna have fun ok? If you don't like it or anything tell me, and we'll go to your place and watch movies and cuddles. Alright?"
"Ok Katsu." I smiled at him. He leaned down and kissed me and I let him.
He opened the door and inside was...
"Wow. " I said breathlessly.
Villains were everywhere. There was loud music. Tables and chairs. A bar where you could order food and drinks. There were a few pool tables. There were a few people making out in corners but I didn't look at them for long.
"You like?"
"It looks awesome." I smiled hugely at him.
"C'mon. We'll get food then we could do something else."
He wrapped his arm around my waist and walked us towards an empty table.
People would greet katsu like how boys do. And girls would wink at him or wave. Katsu didn't seem like he cared for the girls.
He found us a nice table and sat me down. He sat across from me. 
We both picked up the menus and looked through them. Katsu just had one peek then put it down and leaned back and crossed his arms.
"What are you getting Katsu?"
"Steak....and ramen...and a burger."
"Ok...I'll just get fries then."
"Why? You're gonna get hungry later." He frowned at me.
"I don't know what all of these are and I don't want to order something I don't like. So fries it is. And plus I already had dinner with my parents."
"Fine. Oi! Big Mac!"
A big buff guy came towards us. He was bald and had a few scars on his face.
"Hey, Zero! Wassup man?"
"Nothing much. Imma gets one steak, ramen and a burger."
"You know it."
"And for the pretty lady?" he was staring at me weirdly and smirking. He started checking me out making me uncomfortable.
Katsu leaned front and put his arm on the table and scowled at the guy.
"Fries. Make it quick." He snapped at the man. The man looked back to Katsu and smirked.
"Whatever man."
He walked away.
"Sorry 'bout him Blueberry."
"It's ok." I smiled and looked around.
Everyone was having so much fun. They actually looked like humans just having fun. They didn't look like villains or bad guys or anything.
"Hey, Bakubro!" We heard a voice shout from far away. Katsu looked then looked back at me. 
"I'm gonna be right back. Stay here." He leaned across the table and pecked my lips then my forehead and left towards the voice.
A few minutes later a few girls walked up to me. They were wearing black and dark colour outfits showing a lot of skin. They all had scary make-up on and glared at me.
The girl at the front had fawn-coloured hair with dark brown eyes. She had a really curvy body and a really revealing bad-ass outfit on. 
She came up to me with her friends behind her.
"Hey~ I'm Camie! What's your name, sweetie?"
"Uhhh Ma-Marinette." She looked really pretty.
"Anyways~ What are you doing here with Katsupoo~?"
"Katsupoo? You mean Katsuki?"
"Yes! I mean that sexy man you came in with! That man that kissed you and never gives a living shit about me! What are you doing with him!?" Her nice face left and now she was full-on glaring and shouting at me. She leaned down to come to my level. 
"He's my-"
"I don't care what you are to him! Just stay away!"
"Or what?" I glared up at her.
"Oh, you!" She raised her hand to slap me and I closed my eyes waiting for the pain but I never felt one. 
I looked up and saw a hand grab onto Camie's wrist. And that friends...belongs to Katsuki.
He was glaring and looked extremely mad. Even I got scared.
"Huh? Katsupoo~ What are you doing?" She gave him these ugly puppy eyes and made a pout with her disgusting lips.
"The question here is...what the fuck are you doing? Raising your hand at MY girlfriend?" He glared at her even more.
"I was showing her, her place. And why is she your girlfriend~?" She whined.
"Shut the fuck up! And get your fucking ass out of here!" He threw her wrist away from him and she stormed off with her friends. 
Katsu growled lowly then sat back in front of me. He was looking down at the table with his eyes closed.
"K-Katsu?" I whispered.
He snapped his head up which made me flinch.
"Shit. Sorry Blueberry. I didn't mean to scare you. That's Camie. A fucking bitch. She's fucking obsessed with me ever since I came to Paris. Just ignore her. Did she hurt you?"
"N-no. And it's fine. Are you ok?"
"Yea." He grabbed my hand that was on the table and gently kissed my palm while closing his eyes. I smiled gently.
"Bon apetite~
Big Mac came and put our dishes on the table and brought water with him.
Once he left we started eating. 
I was eating my fries one by one while looking around. katsu was eating his ramen now. I turned back to look at Katsu when I felt something wet and spicy on my lips. I opened my eyes to see Katsu putting his chopsticks with ramen by my lips.
I smiled and open my mouth. Katsu put the ramen inside and I ate it. It was really spicy but it was eatable. 
"Thanks, Katsu." I grabbed a fry and leaned forward for him to bite it. He smiled teasingly and bit my finger while biting the fry.
"Ow! Katsu!"
"Hah! Hahaha!"

We had fun eating. We told jokes and got to know each other even more. 

"Alright. What do you want to do?"
"Hey, Kacchan! Wanna play pool!"
"Yea sure c'mon."
He lead me towards this one pool table that was surrounded by a few boys and 3 girls. 
3 of the boys were the ones that fought Ladybug with katsu. 
"Hey! She's the girl I found that night! Remember me cutie?" The blonde boy asked.
"Fuck off, Pickachu!"
"Chill man!"
"OMG! You're so cute! When Denki told me that Bakuhe got a girlfriend, I couldn't believe it! He sure got a good one!" A pink-haired girl screamed while grabbing onto my shoulders. She also had pink skin.
"Racoon eyes leave her the fuck alone!" Katsu grabbed my waist and pulled me towards his chest.
The rest introduced themselves slowly. There was Deku, Ochako, Iida, Shoto, Tsu.
"Let's play pool!"

TO BE CONTINUED.....................

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