Chapter 11

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(Sorry I'm late. Enjoy!)

Two days passed ever since Katsu and I became a couple. He didn't come to my room and he didn't start any fights in the city. I was very confused and hurt but let it go.

I was at school eating lunch with my friends. Alya was talking about something that had to do with Ladybug.
"Hey, girl! Are you listening?"
"Huh? Sorry, Alya."
"Are you ok? You seem upset."
"Yea Marinette. What's up?"
"Nothing...I just miss someone."
"Who? Your secret boyfriend~" Alya teased.
"Alya! No!"
"I'm pretty sure it's your secret boyfriend."
"Ugh! It's just....they haven't talked with me for a while. So I'm missing them."
"Aww~ You miss your boyfriend~"
"He's not my boyfriend!"
"So it's a boy! What's his name!"
"Shut up!"
I started blushing massively.

After school, I transformed and went for a run.
He just left me. He kissed me and left me. How could he do that? Who would do that? I was so mad! I just want to-
"Hey Ladybug!"
Speaking of the devil.
I turned to look at him. He was wearing his mask outfit. I realized during the daytime he wears that and during the night when no one's around, he wears other outfits. 
I was so mad just looking at him.
With out talking I just started fighting him. Giving it my all. I was so angry with him.

While we were fighting, I wrapped my yoyo around him and threw him somewhere. I ran and jumped on him straddling him. I started throwing punches at his face.
"I hate you! I hate you so much!"
My punches got weaker and I realized I started crying.
I stopped punching him and got off of him and ran off.
I swung towards my house and de-transformed and ran into my room. 

I cried on my bed.
"Marinette. He's a bad guy. You can't have a relationship with him."
"I know Tikki. But....I-I like him. I don't know why."
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I sighed and went to my bathroom and washed my face. 
My face was red and my eyes were red and puffy.
I got out of the bathroom to see Katsuki standing there looking at my work table. He was looking at my sketches.
"Oh hey, Blueberry. You got amazi-" Before he could finish I go up to him and slap him on the face. His face turns to the other side and he has a handprint on his face.
"What the fuck-"
"I hate you! How could you do this to me!?"
"You left me! You kissed me and left me!"
"I hate you so much! You can't just do that to me! You can't say you like me and kiss me then leave without a word! You didn't visit for 2 days! You didn't fight Ladybug for 2 days! What was I supposed to think!" While I was shouting all of those I kept on punching his chest. I had tears pouring down my face. 
"Will you-"
"No! I hate you! I hate you!" He grabbed my wrists and I struggled to remove them from his hold. He pulled me against his chest.
"Let go of-" he leaned down and kissed me.
I was shocked and I didn't want to kiss him back but I did. He broke the kiss after a bit.
"You can't just leave then-"
"Shut up." He mumbled then leaned back down and kissed me hard. His lips moved fast against mine. I couldn't even keep up. Then he deepened the kiss and pushed his tongue inside my mouth. His tongue roamed around and sucked on my tongue making me feel like I'm on Cloud9. 
He finally broke the kiss and leaned his forehead on mine.
We were both panting and flushed.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry I disappeared. I had other stuff to do. I should've told you but it came up last minute."
I searched his eyes and all I found was guilt and sincerity.
"Ok." I smiled up at him.

We both were laying down on my bed. He was telling me about his days and adventures and I would tell him about my day as well.
"Hey...I wanna take you somewhere."
"Right now?"
"No. On Friday. At night."
"A villain hangout."
"It's basically a club but no one drunk there. Basically, there will be a bunch of villains there and food and music. I want to take you there."
"I want to hang out with you without being scared that Ladybug or someone will find us."
"I promise I'll protect you if you're scared about that."
"I-I...don't know.."
"Please. I promise you'll be safe and you'll have fun!"
"....." I could see Tikki shaking her head saying no. 
"Great!"He leaned down and kissed me real quick.
"You'll have to wear something different ok? You don't want them to know you're not from around there."
"Don't fucking swear!"
"Hey~ You swear all the time!"
"I could. Not you. Leave your innocent mouth alone."
"But yea. Badass. But not revealing either. Ok?"
"Ok. Friday."
I yawned.
"I think it's time for bed."
"No~ Don't leave~"
"I'm not gonna leave Blueberry. C'mon...lay down."
He made me lay down and he cuddled me into his chest. He wrapped the blanket around us and we both said our goodnights and fell asleep. 

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