Chapter 15

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A few months passed. Katsu and I still date. Ladybug and ground Zero still fight. I didn't tell anyone that I have a boyfriend but I think my friends know. 

It was Monday morning and I had just woken up.
"Ngh~" I groaned and opened my eyes. I looked around and couldn't find Katsu. That's when I felt arms wrapped around my waist and something in my stomach. I lifted the blanket and saw Katsu shirtless, curled up against my stomach. 
He always ends up under the blanket. 
"Katsu. " I whispered moving my feet.
"Ngh~ Go back to sleep."
"It's morning. I have classes in an hour. I don't usually wake up early you know." I giggled when he started tickling me.
"Fine fine." He stopped tickling me and laid down beside me.
"Get up! And leave!"
"Shut up." He mumbled while putting his arm above his eyes. I rolled my eyes and got off of my bed. I found his black shirt on the floor and threw it at his face.
I giggled and went to my bathroom and started getting ready. 

(The outfit she wore

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(The outfit she wore.)

I came out of the bathroom after fixing my hair. I saw Katsu now wearing his shirt and getting ready to leave.
I went up to him, hugged his waist, and put my face on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"Do you have to go?"
"Now you don't want me to go?" He teased while wrapping his arms around me and laying his head on my hair. 
"You look beautiful, by the way." He whispered. I looked up at him with a blush.
"Thank you. " I mumbled shyly. 
He chuckled and leaned down and kissed me deeply. 
"So fucking beautiful and cute." He mumbled against my lips. He then pressed his lips against mine again. He kissed me passionately. He then pushes his tongue inside and roams around. He runs it over my teeth and my tongue making me moan in his mouth. 
"Fuck~ You make me go crazy Blue~" He moaned against my lips. 
"Will I see you tonight?" I whispered while he started kissing my neck.
"Sooner than you think, Blue." He winked.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Don't worry your cute little blue head about it." He said while kissing me one last time and then running out of my balcony.
I sighed and grabbed breakfast then ran to school with Tikki in my bag.

"Hey, guys!"
"Hey Marinette/Mari/Dudette!"
I smiled at my friends.
"I heard we were getting a new student!"
"Really? Is it a boy or girl?"
"He's a boy. And I heard he's hot and that all the girls are swooning over him. He's in the principal office right now getting his stuff."
"He can't be hotter than us!" Nino said making him and Adrien get in a pose. Alya and I giggled. 
Adrien and I became friends again. We're even closer now.
"Sorry boys. But if the other girls aren't swooning over you guys, then you guys aren't hot."
"Alya! You guys are hot. Don't mind Alya." I teased. We all laughed and then walked to our first class. 

We were sitting in our seats when the teacher came in.
"Good morning class. Marinette, it's nice to see you in the morning nowadays." She teased. I blushed and everyone giggled. 
"Now, as you all know. We have a new student today. I want everyone on their best behaviour. Now, Alya, I want you to move and sit next to Ivan, please."
"Yes. The ney student will be sitting next to Marinette since she will be his guide for the week."
Alya sighed then went and sat next to Ivan, giving him a smile. 
"Now you may come in." The classroom door opened and in came the new student. 
Everyone gasped from how good he looked and from his smirk. But I gasped because of who he is.

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