Chapter 3

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(I'm so sorry I posted late. I wasn't home during the weekend. So sorry! Oh! Tomorrow is my OSSLT! Wish me luck!)

The next day I woke up and started getting ready for my day. 

(Outfit she's wearing

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(Outfit she's wearing.)

"Morning Marinette!"
"Morning Tikki! I gotta talk with you about something later. C'mon!" She went into my bag and I grabbed my school bag and ran downstairs.
"Morning hun!"
"Morning mom! Where's dad?"
"He went to go deliver some stuff."
I grabbed a few cookies for Tikki.
"Bye, mom!" I ran out of my house and started running to school since I was late.....again.
I barged in through the door to see my teacher just sitting down at her desk.
"Nice of you to join us Marinette. Thankfully we didn't start yet." She smiled.
"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly and ran to my desk at the back of the class. Yes, I sit there with Alya. Nino and Adrien sit in front of us. 
"Hey, girl! You're just in time!"
"Yeah sorry. Slept in again.."
"Hey, dudette!"
"Hey, Nino."
"Hey, Marinette!"
"H-Hey! Adr-Adrien!" I blushed massively.
He smiled at me and Alya pulled me to sit down. 
Classes went by with me dozing off dreaming about Adrien or staring at the back of his head. 
"C'mon girl!"
"Classes are over! Let's go!"
We walked out of class and went to find the boys. We sat down all together and just talked and ate lunch. 
We were in class writing down notes until......


An explosion. The whole school shook and some students even fell off their chairs. We all ran towards the windows and looked outside. Cops were everywhere. The S.W.A.T team too. And they were chasing the new villains. 
Villains. The blonde boy. The hot blonde villain. Ugh!
I slowly snuck away from my class and ran to the girl's bathroom.
"Marinette! We gotta transform!"
"Tikki! Spot on!"

Once I transformed into my suit. My suit got upgraded a few weeks ago. It has a red long shirt. With slits. It has black dots. I have red sleeves. I have black pants with red boots. My hair was in a ponytail. 

I ran out of the bathroom and swung outside onto a rooftop

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I ran out of the bathroom and swung outside onto a rooftop. I looked around and followed the disaster. 
I landed on a rooftop and looked down where the villains were talking. They destroyed this whole block. 
I saw the blonde spiky-haired boy aiming his hand toward another building. Before he could aim an explosion I threw my yoyo and wrapped it around his wrist and threw him to the side. He was surprised so he didn't catch his fall and landed on his side. 
He was staring at me with confusion and anger. He was wearing something different from yesterday. 
He was wearing a tight black shirt with an orange x across his chest. He has a black mask on and he had black baggy pants with a green belt. He had knee pads and black boots. He had green and orange gloves with something silver from his wrist till below his elbow. His shirt was so tight you could see all of his muscles.
Stop Marinette!
"Hey! I think it's time for you guys to go back to where you belong!" I shouted at them. 
There was the spiky blonde boy, the other blonde boy with the electric mark on his hair, and one with black hair. 

One with red hair

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One with red hair. 
(The picture wouldn't download.)

"Woah! She's hot!"
"Shut up Dunce face! Fucking get her!" The spiky one grabbed the yoyo that was wrapped around his wrist and pulled me off the rooftop. He threw me into a wall.
"Ugh!" I groaned. I stood up and got into a stance. 4 against 1
"Hey~ This isn't fair~ It's 4 against 1. And you guys are boys~" I pouted. 
"Shut up! I'm gonna fucking squish you insect!" He jumped at me and I dug and jumped and kicked the blonde into a wall. The black-haired one wrapped this kind of white tape around me and threw me into the air. I used my yoyo to catch myself.
(I'm sorry I'm so bad at fight scenes. lol :( )

We just kept on running around the city fighting each other. 
"Ok enough!" I used my lucky charm and escaped the fight barely. 
I was running away trying to find a place to de-transform. 
I landed in an alleyway and fell to the ground from my rough landing. I de-transformed and laid on the floor panting. I had a few cuts on my skin and my jeans were ripped. My face had a little blood on it. 
(Imagine that the suit doesn't protect you from battles. So Marinette feels pain and gets hurt.)

"Tikki! Are you alright?"
"I'm fine Marinette. Just really tired." I sighed and gave her a cookie. 
The cops were still chasing the villains around. I started walking home, limping on the way. 
Once I got home, I treated my wounds and started my homework. 

By the time I was done with everything, it was dark out. I got ready for bed and lay in bed talking to Tikki.
"So Tikki...I need to tell you something."
"So last night I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk."
"And....I bumped into a few guys.."
"And those guys were-"

We both looked up to my trap door.
"Who's that?"
"What if it's a bad guy?"
"Uhhh...hide Tikki!" Tikki flew and hid. I got a bat from behind my pillow. I slowly opened my window and was about to swing the bat when I saw.......

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