Chapter 14

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(So I don't know how to play pool or anything so let's go with it~~ Enjoy!)

I was standing next to Katsu while everyone got their pool sticks. 
"You know how to play?"
"No. Never played pool before." I smiled sheepishly.
"Well don't worry! Bakubro is an amazing player!" I saw Katsu getting his stick ready. He looked at me and winked making me blush.
After everyone was ready, they started the game.
It was katsu's turn so he got his stick, aimed and shot and it hit the white ball, hitting his coloured ball making it go in and the white ball hit another ball making that one go in as well.
"Fuck yeah!" Katsu cheered.
Everyone went again and it was Katsu's turn again.
"Oi! Blueberry, come here." I went and stood next to Katsu. He got his stick ready again and pulled me towards him. He made me turn around with my back against his chest. He gave me the stick and helped me hold it properly. He pushed me closer to the pool table. He put one hand on my hip and the other holding the stick in my hand. He bent me down a bit.
"Oooh! Kachan's getting it!" Denki shouted. 
"Shut the hell up! I'm giving her a try!" He shouted. Then he leaned down towards my ear.
"You're going to hit the white ball and make it hit that purple one. Alright?"
"I-I don't know how to. " I whispered back to him looking up a bit to look in his eyes.
"I got you, Blue." He pecked my lips and then made me look forward again. 
He leaned down more and made me angle it properly. His head was on my shoulder right next to my face whispering in my ear.
"3.....2....1." We pushed the stick and it hit the white one making it hit the purple ball. The purple ball rolled and hit an orange ball we aren't supposed to hit. The purple one went into the hole and the orange one went and hit our blue one making it go into another hole. 
"Did we win?"
"Yea Blue! You got 2 balls in! Damn!" He high-fived me and gave me a peck on the cheek.
"Damn girl!"
I giggled and looked down shyly.
We continued the game and I would do some with Katsu's help.

A few hours of having fun...I got tired.
I was standing next to katsu while he was drinking a coke. Slowly I dropped my head on his arm since I couldn't reach his shoulder. 
He jumped a bit and caught me thinking I was falling.
"Shit Blue! What's wrong?"
"Nothin....'m tired." I yawned a bit while rubbing my eyes forgetting I had make-up on it.
"Baby no. Don't do that." He mumbled grabbing my wrist gently. 
"C'mon. Let's go home. I think we had enough fun for one night." He smiled kissing my forehead.
"We're gonna leave now!"
"Aww ok! Bye Mari!"
Everyone said bye to me and I just waved and started walking with Katsu towards the exit.
While walking there, I saw Camie and her friends glaring at me. 
I glared at them tiredly until I felt Katsu turn me around and dip me, then kiss me deeply. In front of everyone. In front of those girls.
I heard a group of people cheering. My guess was the Bakusquad and Dekusquad. 
"Wooh! Kachaan's getting it tonight!" Denki....obviously. 
"So manly." Kiri.
"Get it, girl!" Mina. And the rest just made noise. 

After that Katsu smiled at me while I blushed. 
After getting us out of the hang-out, he carried me back to my house. 
Once we got to my balcony, I was already asleep in Katsu's arm.
"Blue...Baby..c'mon, get up." Katsu whispered. 
"Ngh~ I wanna sleep~"
"I know, baby. But you gotta change. Don't you want to wear comfy pj's?" He asked shaking me a bit. 
"Fuck it." He threw me on my bed and went to my closet and grabbed a shirt with some shorts. He then came back to me. I was still asleep.
He took off my shirt while looking at my face the whole time. He then put my nightshirt on me. Then he hesitantly took off my pants while looking at my sleeping face. After taking off my pants he put my shorts on. Then he grabbed a wet cloth and wiped my face. 
"Shh baby. Almost done." 
Once he got me clean up, he tucked me in. 
"Stay.." I mumbled. 
"I'm here, blue." He kissed my forehead then grabbed me and cuddled into me. 
"Thank you, Katsu. " I whispered sleepily and cuddled into his warm neck. 

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