Chapter 18

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(I am so sorry I'm late. I lost electricity yesterday. We had a huge storm and didn't have electricity the whole day. Enjoy!!)

A few weeks passed. The bad guys now known as the League of Villains keep attacking. Ground Zero would usually handle them but I would still go and try stopping all of them and saving the citizens. Katsu would still come to school. He doesn't talk to anyone besides Alya because she keeps talking to him no matter what. He ignores Adrien and Nathaniel completely which I don't understand why. He still sits we me during class. 
"Hey, Marinette!" John the new student came running toward me during lunch. He came last week and we quickly became friends much to katsu's dismay. 
"Hey, John!" He gave me a big hug which I returned. 
"So! I was wondering if you could do this trick with me? I saw it on youtube!"
"Uhhhh," I looked around and realized the rest weren't here yet. Adrien, Katsu, Alya, and Nino decided to go get lunch while I waited by the stairs for them. 
"Sure." I shrugged and smiled. 
"Great!" he pulled me closer and interlocked my fingers on both hands together. He then made me put my arms far away from me. 
"What are you doing?"
"Just a sec." He smiled then ducked and was about to go through the loop of my arms but someone's hand came and pushed his head away from me. And it was Katsu's hand. 
He pushed him back making him tumble a bit and Katsu just crossed his arms and stood in front of me. 
"The fuck you doing?" He angrily spat out.
"Nothing of your business. I was just hanging with Marinette!"
"Well, it didn't look like you were just hanging out with her!"
"Why do you care!?"
"Because," he said and turned around and grabbed me. He pulled me forward and smashed his lips on me. I gasped in his mouth but kissed back. I was blushing like crazy.
"You go, girl!" I heard Alya shout. 
I didn't know but Katsu opened his eye and looked at John and raised his middle finger at him while still kissing me. 
A little while later, we broke the kiss. I was panting and flushed. While he was just panting slightly and smirked at me.
"Everyone knows...."
"So what? Now all the boys know you're mine."
"OMG!" We heard Alya squeal.
"Oh no." I sighed. Katsu and I were about to walk away until we both got a smack at the back of our heads.
"The hell woman!"
"You guys are dating! Since when?"
"Since....." I looked up to Katsu.
"A few weeks after I met her."
" you guys knew each other before you came to the school?"
" I'm fucking hungry. Let's go Blue."
Katsu grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the trays that he brought. 
"Sit." I sat down on the bench.
"Here." he gave me my tray with my favourite lunch.
"Thank you, Katsu."
"Yea yea." He sat down next to me and started eating his food. 
"I don't want you talking to John anymore."
"You heard me."
"No buts. Oh! And not even Nathaniel."
"Wha- why?"
"Because I said so. Oh. And that model boy is fine. He's just an idiot."
"Adrien is not an idiot. And why can't I hang out with the rest?" I whined.
"Because I said so. End of discussion."
I sighed and turned back to my food and started pouting. 
As soon as I was done, I got up and threw my trash away and walked to class. I didn't even wait for Katsu. 
I got to class and made Alya sit with me.
"What about Katsuki?"
"I don't want to sit with him today." 
"Do you need me to punch him for you?" She asked while punching her fist into her palm.
"No Alya. I'm fine." I giggled. 
I saw Katsu enter class with Nino and Adrien behind him. He walked up to my desk and saw Alya sitting on his spot.
"What the fuck are you doing sitting on my spot?"
"Marinette doesn't want to sit with you today."
"I don't care. I'm gonna sit here. With my fucking girlfriend!"
"I don't care about you! Now leave!"
"Blue. C'mon..tell her something." He looked at me with desperation in his eyes. 
"Sorry, Katsu."
I heard him sigh and walk over to Ivan. Katsu glared at him so Ivan moved over all the way to the edge of the seat. 

After classes were done I ran home before Katsu could even talk with me.
"Marinette. I really think you should capture Ground Zero now."
" know I can't. I love him. Even if he's a big douche sometimes."
"Hey Blueberry! You can't just fucking leave me!"
"Leave me alone Katsuki!"
"It's Katsu! Now give me a kiss!"
"No. Now leave Katsuki. Now." I stared at him.
"Fine...." He sighed then walked out of my trap door and left. 
I sighed and went to do homework.

It was past midnight, and I couldn't sleep. Obviously...I need Katsu. But he isn't here. I sighed again and tried going to sleep. I heard my balcony trap door open and felt my bed dip. 
"Blue? You asleep yet?" I heard Katsu whisper.
"What are you doing here Katsuki?" I asked while keeping my eyes shut.
"Ouch! You still mad at me?"
"Yes. Now leave."
"Could you pleaseeeee open your beautiful blue eyes for me?"
"Pretty please Blue?"
I peeked open my eyes to see Katsu staring at me with a smile.
"You look beautiful."
"Shut up. " I mumbled. 
He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up.
"Hey! Sto-"
"Shhhh. Your parents are going to wake up."
"What are you doing?"
"Trust me." 
He carried me to my balcony and lifted me up properly, then jumped off.
I held onto him tightly and pushed my face into his neck because of the cold. I was only wearing one of Katsu's black shirts and shorts. 
"Here we are." I looked to see us in the Eifel Tower. 
"What are we doing here?"
"Look." He made me face the other side and I gasped. 

There was a white sheet with a picnic basket

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There was a white sheet with a picnic basket. In that basket were foods and treats. There were rose petals on the sheet and 2 candles and a flower vase. 

"Finally you called me Katsu."
"I love it! When did you do this?"
"How about we talk about that later? And we have some fun?" He led me to the sheet and made me sit. 
"Open up!" he grinned feeding me a piece of fruit.
We had fun and laughed and ate. 
"I'm so full!"
"We're not done yet Blue." He stood up and went through his phone. Then he pressed something and a song came up.
(Press play at the top)
 Our song. We love this song and we always sing to it. I smiled. He put his phone down and grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Then we started dancing.

(Bakugou and Marinette are dancing on the Eifel Tower.)

We were laughing and giggling. We both had huge smiles on our faces.
He then pulled me close and kissed me.
"I love you Blue," he whispered against my lips.
"I love you too." 

A little while later I started falling asleep on Katsu's shoulder. 
"Blue." He whispered.
I heard him chuckle then he lifted me up and carried me back home. 
Once we got home, he tucked us both in and we cuddled to sleep. 

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