Chapter 10

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(I am so terribly sorry. This chapter is extremely short. I am so sorry again. I'm just not in a good mood and I have my culminating assignments starting now. So I'm busy and distracted so again I am so sorry. To make it up, I'll make a longer chapter tomorrow. Again I am super duper sorry! Please forgive me! But enjoy this chapter!)

The next day I woke up to Katsu looking up at my roof. He looked so peaceful. 
When he kissed me last night I couldn't sleep properly. What did it mean? Why would he kiss me?
Katsu?" I whispered softly while tracing shapes on his chest.
"Yes, Blueberry?"
"Wh-what did....what did that kiss mean last night?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"I don't know..." I blushed massively while looking at his chest.
He pushed me down, climbed on top of me, and smirked down at me. 
"It means your mine and I'm yours, Blueberry."
"O-Oh! I-I..." He leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I was shocked and blushed even more. He bit my lip which brought me back to Earth and I kissed him back gently. 
Once he broke the kiss he kissed my forehead.
"I like you Blueberry. I want you to be my girlfriend."
" you like me too?"
"You gotta say it Blue."
"I-I like you too."
"Much better. Now you have school so you should get up."
He helped me get ready and kissed my forehead then left through my balcony.

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