Chapter 6

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The next morning I woke up on time for some reason. 
I got ready in a nice outfit. It was going to be really hot today so I just wore a tank top with a skirt and thigh highs. (Picture above)

I got ready quickly and left my house. 
I got to school and saw my friends talking in the corner. 
"Hey, guys!"
"Mari!? Is that you?"
"You came on time! Wow!"
"Haha, Alya. I could come on time."
"Looking good dudette."
"Thanks, Nino. It's really hot today."
"Yea Marinette! You look really beautiful! Did you make this yourself?" Adrien asked.
"Yep! I made this myself. And thank you." I smiled. 
He seemed shocked. Actually, they all seemed shocked. The bell rang so we started walking to class.
"Girl! You talked to Adrien!!" She whispered.
"I did?" I was confused.
"You didn't stutter."
"Oh my gosh! I didn't stutter!"
"Does that mean you don't like him anymore or...."
"I-I do?" I wasn't sure anymore. Do I like him?
"OMG!!! You got a new crush?! Who is he?"
"No-no one." I blushed because the first person that came to my mind was Ground Zero. 
"OMG!!!!" She squealed. 
I shushed her and then we entered the classroom. 

After classes were done we all went outside to hang out at the park since Adrien got permission for an hour.

"It's so hot!" Alya groaned. 
"Yea.." I threw my opened hair on one side of my shoulder. 
I heard all of them gasp.
"O.M.G! Mari!"
"What?" I got scared.
"Marinette...I never knew you were dating someone..." Adrien said.
"What? N-no!"
"Woah dudette. Not cool. You could've told us. But who's the dude?"
"What do you mean?"
"This." Alya tapped a spot on my neck. It stung a bit making me wince.
"This hickey. Where did you get it from?"
"What!?" I got my phone and opened the camera and looked at my neck. I saw a big red-purple mark. Ground Zero. When he bit me.
"N-no! Guys! This is a misunderstanding! I don't have a boyfriend!" I was blushing red. 
"You can't lie about this one Mari. " Alya smirked. 
I was about to say something else when we heard a big explosion. 
"Oh no! I gotta go for the Ladyblog!" Alya said running towards the explosion.
"Be careful!" I shouted. Nino ran after Alya and Adrien ran to hide. I ran away and transformed.
I swung towards the explosion and saw Ground Zero and his gang. I figured out their names. 
There's Charegbolt. Red Riot. Pinky. Cellophane. 
"Hey Ladybug! Nice of you to join us!" Chargebolt shouted with a smirk. 
"OI! Sparky! Leave the insect to me! You guys get the money!" They all agreed and got the money from the bank they destroyed while Ground Zero and I had a one-on-one.
"I'm so gonna fucking squish you today!" He growled. 
I used my yoyo and wrapped it around Chargebolt and threw him against his other friends so none of them touched the money. I then used my yoyo to help me swing around Ground Zero and kick him but he dodged me. 
The fight went on for a few more minutes until he threw a huge explosion at me. I dodged and it hit a small tower. I looked towards it and saw Alya and Nino right there about to get crushed. I swung there at full speed and grabbed them by their waist and landed on the other side.
"Are you two ok?" I asked worriedly and helped them up.
"Yes. Thank you Ladybug!" Nino said helping Alya stand properly.
"Stay out of trouble." I smiled and swung back into the fight. 
"I'm actually happy You saved those fucking idiots!"
"How come?"
"They're friends with someone I know." He grunted and then aimed an explosion at me. 
I dodged and grabbed the money that the others were holding and threw it at the cops then ran off to de-transform. 

Later on, that night while I was doing homework on my bed in my pj's. Which was a tank top with shorts. 
I heard a tap on my trap window.
"Huh?" I saw Tikki hiding after giving me a look. I opened my trap window and in came Ground Zero in the outfit I first saw him in. With the shirt and tie and no mask.
"Hey there my Blueberry~" He smirked and leaned in way too close to my face.
"Not YOURS!" I said while pushing his face away. 
"Whatever. You're no fun." He sat down and leaned against my wall and let his eyes look around my room. 
I just continued my homework.
I heard a chuckle so I looked up at him. He was smiling with amusement.
"What's wrong?"
"Seriously...what's wrong?"
"You're going to get those problems wrong."
"Yep." He said popping the p.
"You know how to do math?"
"The fuck? Of fucking course I do. I'm a fucking genius."
"Let me see."

A few hours later he explained and helped me with all my homework and I actually understood everything.
"Thank you Ground Zero!"
"Whatever. Oh! My mark is fading away." He smirked.
"Right! Why would you do that? My friends thought I was dating someone."
 I angrily said.
"Ugh!" I was about to get up when he pushed me down to lay down and he came up on top of me sitting on my waist.
"Hey! Get off!" I got flustered.
"I like the view from here." He smirked.
"Get. Off!"
He leaned down towards my neck.
"Maybe I should make another one."
"NO!" I started struggling. 
He laughed and then laid down on me. He put his face in my neck and his arms around my waist.
"Shhhh~ Sleep."
"Sleep." I sighed then got a bit comfortable then let my eyes drop. 
Before I fell completely asleep I heard.
"Good night my Blueberry." Then I felt his lips on my forehead. 

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