Chapter 2

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I turned to look who it was and it was......

There was a tall ashy blonde haired boy

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There was a tall ashy blonde haired boy. He had deep red eyes that looked like rubies. He had a frown on his face. His hands were shoved in his pockets. He had big arms filled with muscles. He had a black and grey suit on with a red tie, but he didn't tie it. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. All in all, he looked pretty hot. Wait-what! I can't think that!

"Oh hey, Kachaan! I ju-"
"Don't fucking call me that dunceface!"
"Right right whatever. Anyways! I found this beautiful girl spying so I decided to have a little fun! What'd ya think? Doesn't she look hot!?"
He looked at me with a bored expression and I looked at him with a glare. 
"Leave her the fuck alone. Don't you have better things to do? Like, get the money and stuff?" He asked with a bored tone but with slight seriousness.
"Oh. Fine! I guess you can go princess~ But trust me. Next time...I won't~" He kissed my cheek and then ran off. I rubbed my cheek and looked at the other dude. He was just staring at me intensely like trying to figure out something. I stared back. I was not backing down. I'm Ladybug!
He started walking closer to me so I moved back. He came even closer so I moved even more back until I hit the wall. I squeaked. I then heard a deep chuckle and when I looked at him, he had slight amusement in his eyes. This jerk! I glared then he became serious again and leaned down to my height. He stared me in the eyes. 
"What the fuck are you doing around here Blueberry?"
I blushed from the closeness and from the nickname.
"I-I umm I-I-"
"I-I umm I-I fucking stop that and answer the fucking question! You were acting so brave just a second ago!"
"I was just out for a walk when I heard an explosion. I just wanted to see. Now I'll be leaving."
I was about to walk away until I felt myself being lifted bridal style and I felt the air whoosh around me. 
I opened my eyes to see myself in the boy's arms and he was running on the rooftops. 
"Hey! Let me go! Where are you taking me!?" I was struggling against his hold.
"Oi! You better fucking stop moving unless you want me to fucking drop you!" I looked down and saw how high we are. Usually, I wouldn't be scared but right now I'm Marinette. I don't have a suit and powers to save me. 
I immediately clung to him.
"Looks like you are a scaredy-cat." I heard his hot breath on my ear which made me shiver and blush. 
"What are you doing?" I grumbled.
"Taking you home idiot." He said in a duh tone.
"What! Why?"
"'cuz... there are some villains out right now and you obviously don't want to bump into them."
"Why would you do that? Are you trying to kill me?"
"If I wanted to kill you I would have already, idiot. Now...where do you live?" He stared at me while I stared at him thinking if I should tell him. 
"12 Rude Gotlib. " I grumbled.
"Hmm Not so far from here. Hold on tight Blueberry!" He started running in the direction of my apartment. I hid my face in his neck. Now I know how people feel when I carry them. He actually smelt comforting. Like burnt cinnamon. 
I didn't even realize we stopped until I felt him shaking me a bit.
"Oi! Blueberry! We're here!" I pulled my head out of his neck and saw we were on my balcony. He gently let me down and I stood on my two feet.
"Oh, Ummm T-Thanks...I guess." I looked around. 
"Yeah, whatever. Stay out of trouble Blueberry."
"Ok....." I was waiting for him to kill me now just like they always do.
"Aren't you going to kill me?"
"What the fuck? I just fucking dropped you off at your fucking house and you fucking think Imma kill you?"
"No. I'm not killing you, idiot."
"Why not?"
"''re too beautiful to kill just yet Blueberry." He winked and I blushed.
"Anyways! See ya!" he jumped off my balcony. I ran to the edge to see if he got hurt but he disappeared.
"Huh....omg...a villain!"
I ran inside to see Tikki still sleeping. I sighed and went to bed.
"I just got a ride with a villain that just destroyed a whole street. A very good-looking villain. I'm hallucinating." I sighed and fell asleep not knowing that someone in the dark was looking at me with sky blue eyes. 


Hey guys! Thank you for reading!
I'm just going to say I'm not going to be able to write till Monday because I'm not going to be home. I'm going to wonderland during the weekend and I won't be home till night!
So I'm very sorry!
Have a great day/night!

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