Chapter 8

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(Sorry I took so long. I was supposed to post this last night but didn't get the time. Enjoy!)

That night I couldn't sleep without having nightmares of that disgusting man. Every time I closed my eyes his face would show up and I would be able to see the whole scene again. I would wake up crying and ground Zero would have to cuddle me back to sleep. He was really warm and smelled really good. 
"Shhh Blueberry~ Go back to sleep~ I got you~" He rocked back and forth to help me go back to sleep.
"I can't." I whimpered in his neck. He pulled my face back and looked at me.
I was pouting and had red puffy eyes. My cheeks were red and had dried tear stains. 
"My sweet sweet Blueberry." He cooed lowly, whipping my tears away with his thumbs. 
"Do you trust me?"
"Yes. " I mumbled. I do trust him. I know even though he's a villain he would never hurt me.
"Stand up. Let's go on the balcony."
"Why?" I whined.
"Please? I promise you'll feel better." He winked. I sighed and agreed. 
We both got to my balcony.
"Where are we going?"
"Don't you trust me Blueberry?" He asked with a pout.
"Yes of course I trust your Ground Zero! I was just asking."
He got surprised but smiled. He gently lifted me up in his arms.
"Hold on tight." He winked and then jumped off my balcony. 
I had my face in his neck because it was cold. A few minutes later we stopped.
"Alright Blueberry. Ready?"
"Yes. " I mumbled. He let me go.
"Close your eyes." He said.
"Are you trying to kill me?"
"If I wanted to kill you, I would've already." I closed my eyes and I felt him turn me around and push me gently to walk.
"I'm going to fall."
"I got you, baby." I blushed lightly from the nickname.
Then we stopped.
"Open your eyes."
I opened then and let out a gasp.

"I opened then and let out a gasp

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It was beautiful. The lights were on and they shined so brightly. The stars shined bright too. We were sitting on the rooftop of a building. Sure. I've seen this view a lot. But seeing it with someone who cares for me, is much better. 
"How is it?" He whispered from beside me.
"It's beautiful. " I said breathlessly. 
"You wanna know what's more beautiful?"
He leaned down close to my face.
"You." He breathed out against my lips while staring into my bluebell eyes. 
I stared at his deep red eyes while I blushed.
"Gro-Ground Zer-"
"Huh?" I looked up at him curiously.
"Katsuki Bakugou. My name." He winked.
"Katsuki." I tried it out. 
"Marinette." He smiled. I honestly thought he didn't know my name because he always called me Blueberry.
I smiled up at him. He gently pushed me and made me sit on the edge and he sat right next to me. 
I shivered a little because of the cold.
"You cold?"
"A little."
He smirked and lifted me up which made me squeak and put me in his lap. He then wrapped his arms around me and cuddled me into his chest. 

We both just stared at the view. None of us spoke or even moved. 
"Hm?" I replied sleepily.
"Look at me." He lifted my chin up and stared at me.
"No matter what're beautiful. You're an amazing girl. And I'm so sorry I couldn't save you earlier. But I promise...I'm gonna protect you from now on."
"'re a villain. Why do you want to protect me?" I asked him while tracing my finger against his sharp jaw. 
"I am a villain. But...I have these weird feelings for you. And I feel the need to protect you."
"What kind of feelings?"
"If I knew Blueberry I would have told you." He smirked lightly and gently bite my finger when it came near his lips.
"Eep! Katsu!" I whined. He let go of my finger.
"It's your it good?"
"Yea." He chuckled. I laughed with him. 
"I'm happy you're not a bad villain. " I said while putting my head back against his chest.
"Yea..but I wish you didn't have to fight ladybug."
"Ladybug and I are enemies. You know that." He said with a little anger.
"I know. But it makes me sad seeing you fight her. You get hurt a lot too."
"I could take care of myself. I hate Ladybug and I'm going to destroy her one day or another!" He growled. I frowned and stood up off of his lap and walked away from him.
I stood away from him and by the edge of the rooftop with my arms crossed.
"What's wrong?"
"Don't come near me!"
"What? C'mon! You can't be mad that I hate Ladybug! It's common sense!"
"Well, I could have told Ladybug you come to my room every night and you would have been captured by her by now!"
"But you wouldn't do that Blueberry. We all know."
"I hate you!"
"No, you don't." He smirked.
I moved back not knowing I had no more steps left and fell off the rooftop.
The building was high so I was still in the air. I saw Katsu jump off the building and try to reach me.
"I got you! I got you!" He leaned his hand more down and tried reaching my hand. 
I was so close to the floor when he used an explosion to push himself. He caught me and he turned us around so I was laying on him and then he used his other hand and made an explosion so we landed on the floor gently. 
We were both panting and our hearts were beating rapidly against our chests. 
"I got you. I got you."He whispered more to convince himself. 
I leaned up and looked down at him.
"Katsu?" I whispered shakily. 
He opened his eyes and he had tears in them.
"I thought-holy shit! I were gonna die! In front of me! I thought-"
"Shhh~ It's ok. I'm alright. I'm so sorry."
"No. I shouldn't have gotten you mad. I'm sorry."
"It's fine. You saved me! Thank you!" I gently kissed his cheek and laid back down on his chest listening to his now calm heartbeat. 
We laid there for a while then we got up and Katsu carried me home. 

We got back home and Katsu cuddled me in bed.
"I got you now ok? Go to sleep."
"Ok. Thank you, Katsu."
"ANytime Blueberry." He kissed my forehead and then fell asleep with me.

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