Chapter 19

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A few more weeks passed and katsu has become distant from me. He would mostly skip classes, won't visit me during the day, didn't cause trouble in the city, and didn't come to my room at night. Maybe in the middle of the night then he'll leave before I wake up. And I don't know why.
I still hang out with my friends and John and Nathaniel. Even though Katsu somehow figures out all the time. 
I just came out of the shower. I was looking for my miraculous since I took them off for my shower when I heard a tap on my trap door.
"Who's that?"
"Maybe Katsu Tikki." I shrugged and went to open it.
"But he never knocks."
"Maybe I locked it by accident." I sighed and opened the door. I stuck my head out and didn't see anyone besides darkness. 
"Maybe it was the wind." I was about to go back down when suddenly I felt pain in my head and everything went dark.

"Ngh~ I?" I looked around and realized I was in a dark room. There was no light, no windows, nothing. Just darkness and dust. I realized I was sitting on a chair and my wrists were tied behind my back.

"Hello! Anyone there!?" I tried removing the ropes on my wrists but I couldn't get them off.
"Well looks like you're awake." I heard a deep voice then a chuckle. 
"Who are you!? And what do you want!?"
"Brave I see...Kind of reminds me of your other side."
"What? What are you talking about?"
"So so so stupid." The person came closer and I realized it was Dabi. 
"What do you want?"
"Nothing much. Just wanted revenge on Ground Zero."
"So what am I doing here?"
"Say..does ground Zero know he's dating his enemy?"
"You know what I'm talking about."
"I don't actually."
"Alright then.....does Ladybug...ring a bell?"
"Ummm-yea.." My sweat dropped.
"She's the superhero."
"You know what I'm saying. You.Are.Ladybug." He smirked.
"How did you find out?!"
"It's simple. Anyways...Ground Zero? Does he know?"
"No! He doesn't know. And it's going to stay that way!"
"Well, what happens if I tell him? That his dear beautiful innocent girlfriend is also the confident bad-ass superhero who's trying to capture him?"
"Shut up!"
"sigh Nighty night." He grinned then all I saw was black again. 

I opened my eyes and felt my head pounding. I looked around and realized I was sitting on the Eifel Tower. I saw Dabi standing on the edge. 
"What are we doing here?"
"'re awake. So let's get to the point." He walked up to me and leaned down to my level.
"You will break up with ground Zero. If you don't in the next 2 days...I will tell him you're Ladybug and I'll destroy Paris and everyone you love."
"What! You can't."
"Yes...I can." he grabbed me by my arm and dragged me towards the edge. 
"What are you doing?"
"Waiting for your boyfriend."
"How would he know we're here."
"I let him know you're with me and he's on his way."
"Can you just lea-"
"Oi! You fucking bastard! What the fuck do you think you're doing with her!?" I saw Katsu jump on the Eiffel tower a few feet away from us. 
"Blueberry!" He was about to come towards us but Dabi pushed me off the edge but kept a hold on me so I wouldn't fall. 
"Oi! Don't!"
"This is so boring." He faked a yawn.
"Huh?" I looked at him and he smirked and then pushed me off the ledge and fell.
"Blue!" I saw Katsu jump off the tower and try reaching for me. 
I had tears in my eyes and I could see his tears falling down. 
"Katsu!" I tried reaching my hands up to reach his.
"C'mon! C'mon, please! Damnit!" He used an explosion to reach me but he wasn't fast enough. 
I was close to the floor when I closed my eyes expecting pain soon.
"Marinette!" I heard a girl scream. I looked to the side and saw someone similar to Ladybug swing by and grab me. I clung to her. She swung to the ground and gently let me down.
"Are you alright?" was her. I hugged her tightly.
"I thought I was going to die." I started crying. 
"It's alright. I'm going to go now. Stay safe!" She swung away probably going to give my miraculous back to Tikki. 
I felt arms around me and someone pulled me to their chest. It was Katsu, from the smell. I felt him shaking and felt something wet on my neck. I shakily wrapped my arms around his waist.
"I'm sorry." I heard him croak out.
"No! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot! I'm so stupid! A fucking idiot! I'm so sorry!" He just sobbed in my neck.
I slowly rubbed his back and kissed his temple. 
A few more minutes later, he finished and took his face out of my now wet neck. I smiled softly at him.
"Let's go home...and cuddle?"
He nodded his head. He gently lifted me and carried me bridal style. 
Once we got to my room, he pushed me into bed and kissed me deeply. 
"I love much." He mumbled against my lips then kissed me again. He held me tightly like I would disappear any minute. 
"I'm so sorry." He mumbled again.
"Fuck."He said then rested his head on my shoulder and started shaking.
"Katsu. Hey..look at me." I lifted his head and made him look at me. He had sad eyes and a pout. His eyes were red and puffy from all the crying.
"I'm....OK. I'm safe. I didn't get hurt. I got scared but I'm ok now......Ok?"
He nodded and I kissed his cheeks, then his nose, then his forehead, then his lips. 
"I love you."
"I love you too." He whispered.

"Why...did he kidnap you?"
"Uhhhh...just wanted to get you I guess. Not really sure." I can't break up with him!
"Oh ok. I promise this won't happen ever again. Alright? I'm sorry I didn't hang with you for a while. Some stuff happened."
"Ok. It's alright. I'm fine." I kissed his chin then rested my head on his chest and we both fell asleep. 

(Hello guys! Sorry, I'm late! I hope you enjoy this chapter! The end is coming soon! Get ready! Good night/good morning! Love you guys! Thank you so much for the support and comments!)

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