Chapter 17

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After school was over, katsu and I walked toward my house. 
"Yea Blueberry?" He murmured. 
"Why are you coming to my school now?" 
"'Cuz." He shrugged.
"I can't spend more time with my girlfriend? I thought you might like it." 
"I-I do. But...why school? There has to be another reason." 
"Just forget about it, Blue." 
".....fine." I sighed and looked down. I heard Katsu sigh and then stopped walking, making me stop walking. 
"I love you." He looked down at me with a small smile.
I sighed. 
"I love you too, Katsu." I smiled up at him. He chuckled and leaned down and kissed me on the lips. 
"I love you so much." He mumbled against my lips. 
"AHHHHHH!" We heard screams and lots of noise.
"It wasn't me this time, I swear. " Katsu said raising his hands in surrender. 
"Shut up!" I mumbled. There was a blue fire. 
"I gotta go, Blue. Go home! I'll meet you later. Stay safe." He said then kissed me real quick then ran off.
I ran off towards an alleyway and transformed. 

I swung around towards the fire. A whole block was destroyed....again. The blue fire was everywhere. There were people running away and cops everywhere. There were a few people causing the fight wearing weird costumes. 
I jumped down and landed perfectly.
"Hey! Who are you guys!?"
The people who were causing the fight stopped and stared at me. Then they started laughing. 
"What?" I shouted angrily. I heard someone landing next to me, so I looked and it was Ground Zero.
"Ground Zero?"
"Shut the fuck up insect! This is my fight!"
"What?" He ran off and started beating up the people. I sighed angrily and ran towards another group of baddies and started fighting them. 

I got rid of a few bad guys. I saw Ground Zero and his gang fighting off the others. I heard someone behind me so I turned around and kicked my leg, attempting to hit them. But they caught it and threw it back down making me trip a bit.
I looked up and saw a tall male with shaggy black hair. He had turquoise blue eyes and scars on his face, neck and arms. He had a nose piercing on. He wore a ripped white shirt with a black long coat and black pants. 
"Who are you?" I asked angrily.
"Ehhhh you could call me Dabi." He smirked.
"And I'm Toga!" A blonde-haired girl said jumping around.
"Shigaraki." A raspy voice called out. He had light blue grayish hair.
"Ok. Now, what do you guys want? Get out of Paris! Why are you guys all coming here!?" I shouted out angrily.
"Well...we came here for Ground Zero and his gang but now...we are also here for something else. " Dabi smirked.
"Ugh!" I ran towards them and we all started fighting. Dabi shot out the blue fire which I dodged. Toga tried stabbing me. And Shigaraki tried touching me. I grabbed his wrist and made him touch a wall. I watched it turn to ashes making me gasp. 
"Scared?" Shigaraki asked smirking.
"No!" I shouted out and tried attacking him. 
I ran towards him and jumped into the air. I grabbed his hair and threw him the other way. Just like how Ground Zero did to me one day.

I was panting. I couldn't get them away. 
"Oi! You fucking bastards! Your fight is with me! Leave the fucking insect alone!"
"Can you stop calling me an insect!" I shouted at him. He just smirked slightly at me. 
"Ugh! Shut up!" Dabi shouted and ran towards us. We both dodged and Toga came and tried stabbing me. I ducked but the knife still grazed my cheek making me bleed. 
"Shit!" I hissed.
"First time hearing you curse Ladybug." Ground Zero teased.
"Maybe because you're rubbing off on me." 

A few minutes later, It was almost dark. I was panting and was bruised pretty badly. 
"C'mon! We're done here!" They left. I sighed and fell to the floor. 
"Oi! You alright?" I saw Ground Zero stand above me.
"Are you ok? You would never ask if I'm ok."
"Whatever. I gotta go. next time. Don't join my fight." He said then ran off with his friends. I sighed and got up and swung home. 

"Marinette! Are you ok?"
"Yes, Tikki. I'm fine. Just got a few bruises and cuts. I'll go get cleaned up. If Katsu comes, let me know." I walked into the bathroom and got out my first aid kit and started treating my wounds. 
I was on the wound that was on my cheek. The on Toga gave me. I got the wipe and was about to wipe my cheek when my bathroom door opened.
"What the fuck!?" I jumped and turned to my door. It was Katsu. Not Tikki. 
"What the fuck happened! Didn't you come home after I left you!?" He came toward me and grabbed my face in his hands, looking at the cut.
"Blue. No! How did you get this?"
"I-I just got hurt." He started looking all over my body.
"Did you get hurt anywhere else?"
"No ka-"
"How the fuck did you get hurt?! I specifically told you to go straight home!"
"I-I know but-"
"No buts! What I say goes!" He growled loudly making me jump. 
He just glared at me. I sighed and just stood still and let him clean me up.

After that, I changed into pj's and ate dinner with my parents. I went back to my room to see Katsu sitting on my sofa with his phone. I sighed and just walked up to my bed and tried going to sleep. I haven't talked to him since the fight in my bathroom. And he hasn't talked to me yet. 
I felt my bed dip and then arms wrapped around my body. I felt his chin on my shoulder. I felt him sigh then put his face in my neck. He started leaving butterfly kisses on my neck.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shouted at you, Blue." He whispered. He leaned over and kissed the bandage on my cheek.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Katsu. " I whispered and turned around to cuddle him.
I heard him sigh and wrap his arms around me. 

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