Chapter 16

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"Now you may come in." The classroom door opened and in came the new student.
Everyone gasped from how good he looked and from his smirk. But I gasped because of who he is.


(Katsuki's outfit above. Enjoy!)

"Alright, everyone. This is your new classmate. Could you please state your name?"
"Katsuki Bakugou." He smirked looking through the whole class till his eyes landed on mine. His smirk widened even more.
"Well, You'll be sitting next to Marinette. She'll be your guide since you haven't been to a public school before. Marinette?"
I stopped glaring at Katsu's stupidly handsome face and looked at Ms. Bustier.
"Yes, Ms. Bustier?" I asked innocently. I heard Katsu chuckle lightly. 

"You will be giving Katsuki a tour after this class. Then Katsuki will be sitting with you in every class for this week. Then after this week if you guys want, you guys could switch. I already spoke to your other teachers. Katsuki also has all of his classes with you. Is everything clear? And please stop glaring at him, Marinette." She chuckled at the end. Everyone laughed while I blushed. 
"Go on Katsuki. You could go sit and we'll begin class." He nodded and then started walking towards the back. But Chloe grabbed his wrist when he was passing her seat.
"Hey~ If you want~ You could sit with me~ You don't have to sit next to that worthless brat~" She tried flirting with him. Winking and smirking. And fluttering her eyelashes. 
And I'm not going to lie, but I got really jealous. 
Katsuki just stared at her blankly. Then he leaned down towards her face and whispered harshly.
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" From his harshness, Chloe's eyes opened wide and she gasped and let go of his wrist. 
He scoffed and then walked up towards me. I looked down at my desk fiddling with my skirt. He came and sat next to me and leaned back and crossed his arm and looked towards the front. 
I peaked up at him and then looked back down at my desk. 
Ms. bustier was getting stuff ready so everyone was just whispering and doing their own stuff. 
"Psst!" I looked forward and saw Adrien passing me a note. I looked around and saw that everyone was busy so I leaned forward and grabbed the note. 
I leaned back and opened the note.
"Do you know that hottie you're sitting next to?"-Alya
Obviously, Alya would ask that. I rolled my eyes with a smile. I quickly wrote back a reply at the back.
"No...Alya. I don't. Don't you have a crush on Nino?"-Mari
I leaned forward and tapped Adrien on the shoulder and gave him my note for Alya. When I sat back down, I looked at Katsu and he was glaring now and gritted his teeth. 
I was mad that he didn't tell me he was going to come to my school, but now I'm worried about why he's mad. 

The class went on with Katsuki just glaring and writing notes. 
Once class was finished, everyone was packing their bags.
I turned to Katsu, to see him packing his bag.
"Hey Ka-"
"Marinette/Dudette/Mari!" I turned to my other side to see my friends all ready. 
"Hey, guys."
"So...since you have to show Mr. Hottie around school...we're going to have lunch outside at the park. If you finish early come join us. And bring Mr. Hottie."
"Alya...Please stop calling him that. You're going to scare him away." I sighed. I could see Nino's heartbreak to pieces from here. I sighed. I know Alya's just joking but Nino doesn't. 
"Alright see ya!" They all waved and Adrien hugged me before he left. I smiled. I can't believe I'm actually friends with Adrien now. Just normal friends. 
I sighed. 
"Katsu-" I turned towards Katsu to see he wasn't there anymore. 
"Huh?!" I got up and ran out of the classroom to look for him. 
I saw Katsu leaning on a wall on his phone. I walked up to him and stood in front of him.
"Marinette." He said still looking down at his phone.
"What? What's wrong?" He never calls me my name. 
"Nothing. You done talking with your boyfriend?" He said while giving me his dead eyes. 
"K-Katsu....he's not my boyfriend. He's my friend. That's it."
"Then what was in the note? Huh? What was with the nickname? Huh? And why the fuck did he have to hug you? If that glasses girl didn't give you a hug, why did he?!" I could see that he is clearly pissed right now. And some people were looking at us now. 
"Katsu.." I whispered lowly. He glared at everyone then grabbed my hand and dragged me towards a random door which was actually the door to the lockers. 
He pushed the door open and looked inside and saw no one around. Then he pushed me against a locker and kissed me roughly. I was surprised but I tried keeping up with his pace. He grabbed my wrist and held them above my head with one hand. His other hand was on my waist. 
He started grinding on me which made me moan in his mouth. He grabbed my thigh which made me jump. He was now holding both of my thighs and my hands were in his hair, roughly pulling it. He groaned in my mouth. 
"You're mine." He groaned into my mouth. 
"I'm your fucking boyfriend." He leaned down and started kissing my neck. He would lick and bite often and suck too, leaving marks. 
"Ngh~ Katsu~" I tugged at his hair making him bite me harder. 
We heard the door to the lockers open, so we stopped. The person wasn't coming in our direction, so we quickly got ourselves cleaned up. 
"Wait." Katsu took off my pigtails and fixed my hair in a way to cover my neck.
"So you won't get in trouble for making out with the new kid. " he smirked. 
Once we were done getting ourselves fixed we were about to leave when that person bumped into us.
"Oh, sorry-Marinette?"
"Oh, Nathaniel. Sorry. We weren't looking."
"Oh..hey. I'm Nathaniel. I'm in your class with Ms. bustier." Nathaniel said bringing his hand out to shake. 
Katsu just glared at him and walked out of the locker room.
"He's just like that. Don't worry. I got to go now! Bye!" I ran out of the locker room and towards Katsu's side.
"Why did you do that for?"
"Didn't feel like wasting my time with tomato head."
"Hey! He's not a tomato!"
"Whatever Blueberry." He smirked. 
"My nickname is cute. That's why I like it." I smiled up at him.
"And so are you Blueberry." I blushed. 
"C'mon. I wanna introduce you to my friends." I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the park. 
"Hey, Mari!"
"Hey, Adrien! Hey guys! This is Katsuki. Katsuki, this is Alya, Adrien, and Nino. My friends!"
"Sigh Katsuki. " I said in a warning tone. 
"sigh Nice to meet you guys I guess." He put his hands in his pockets and looked around the park.
"Hey, Katsuki!" Everyone said. 
After that, we all hung out till our next classes. Katsuki just ignored everyone or gave them glares. 

(Sorry I didn't post during the weekend. I wasn't home again.)

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