Chapter 1: Abandonment

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2 Years Later,

Although the Village hidden in the leaves had recovered from the Kyuubi's onslaught, there was still a black mark on the village that wouldn't be forgotten for many years. The village itself was holding up fairly well, the main problem was the amount of shinobi still left, most died on that day two years ago, and the numbers have been low ever since. Most of the village citizens that knew this, were surprised they weren't already fighting against Iwa for their lands, god knows they would lose that battle eventually. So they could only be glad that a miracle has kept that from happening so far.

However, with the times as they were, many of the remaining shinobi considered officially leaving the village and going to another to start a new life with a more stable environment. One such group decided on exactly that...the Uzumaki clan. Currently inside their compound Kushina and Sarutobi discussed her clan's decision on departing the village.

"Kushina-san, don't do this...the village needs you and your clan's strength now more then ever. I know this is a troubling time for your clan...its a troubling time for everyone. But the only way we can get past this is if we all stay together and rebuild this village like a family." He pleaded.

"Hokage-sama...I know what you are trying to say, and although I can understand where you are coming from I'm in the same predicament. My clan is nearly gone because of what happened two years ago, there are only a few dozen of us left. Not only that but I've seen the way this village looks at not only Naruto, but the clan itself for housing and their past protection him. The glares and the whispered voices of 'demon whore', 'evil', "demon-lover". So don't tell me about family and in this village. Especially since this ill-will towards him has transversely rained down upon the rest of the clan. Which is why myself and whats rest of the my advisors have decided on the only plausible course of action. I Uzumaki Kushina, head of the Uzumaki clan, hereby banish Uzumaki Naruto from this clan. I will be putting him into the orphanage, and leaving him to you and the village once we leave.

Sarutobi couldn't believe what he was hearing, he knew about the glares and words but he never thought they would effect the clan this much, and especially not the Naruto's own mother. For the past two years she seemed to love the boy unconditionally, confusion was clearly written on the old Hokage's face.

"What is the meaning of this Kushina? Why are you abandoning him? You never cared about what the villagers thought before. So why now? Do you really not love..."

A heavy hand slammed down on the table between them halting his sentence, and he saw an icy glare marred on Kushina's face, with her jaw clenched tightly, a look that made him both slightly flinch and bite back a gasp. He had only ever seen that expression on her face when she was ready to kill an enemy who so richly deserved death.

"Don't you dare EVER question my love for my sochi (son) Sarutobi...I love my sochi, I'd do anything for him...I'd kill to protect him...I'd die in order to let him live..." She barked, her glare only hardening at him. "...but that thing residing in his room ISN'T my least not anymore. Tell me Sarutobi do you have ANY idea what its like to have a sochi that your neighbors, your friends, your entire community hates with an undying passion!? Do you have any idea what its like to run into your sochi's room in the middle of the night because you heard strange sounds only to find him thrashing around unconscious with red chakra all over him ripping the sheets with claws and tearing the pillows apart with fangs like an Kyuubi!? Do you have any idea what its like to wake up in a cold sweat because of the nightmares you've had every single night since that dreadful night a year ago, depicting your own sochi who looks like a demon kill your loved ones and lay siege to your home all with a bloody smile on his face and looking at you with the same eyes at IT!?" She yelled out, before going wide-eyed, not realizing until it was too late what she just admitted.

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