Chapter 22: Heroic Victims

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With Natsumi & Hokage,

"You have any ideas Kyuubi-san?" Sarutobi questioned through panted breath, while holding himself steady with his summon boss Enma who was in his 'Kongounyoi (Diamond-Like Hardness)' staff form.

"Not unless you have two corpses lying around that I could use..." She growled out, making him look at her like she grew a second head. "...nevermind." She retorted flatly.

Both warriors who though fought valiantly up until this point were reduced the shambles of their former selves. Most of Sarutobi's armor was dented or broken off, with many lacerations across his body. Meanwhile Natsumi though looking much better then him physically, the damage she has taken could easily be seen through the cloths she wore or...what was left of them. Her pants now could only be considered short-shorts with the many rips in them, and most of her shirt also cut up showing much of her stomach. If not for her demonic healing, she'd hate to see how she'd look at the moment.

Although they were still physically able to fight, the main problem was their chakra. Both of them were running out. Normally they both could have handled the previous Hokages fine, but considering the means in which they were revived, it seemed that it was impossible to inflict a mortal or even debilitating wounds on the bodies themselves...they would just be healed immediately afterwards. So even for a demoness who was believed to have unlimited chakra, a situation like this would look bleak...and would be even worse for an elderly shinobi even one as strong and experienced as Sarutobi was.

The two zombie like Hokages finally fully healed after the combined onslaught of jutsu their enemies fired at them. They each got into their unique stances, before bounding off towards their prey, Natsumi and Sarutobi immediately noticed and prepared themselves to continue on with the fight.

"Dammit...where is you're boyfriend when we need him?" Sarutobi growled out, preparing to swing Enma at the incoming opponents...that is before both Hokages were sent careening backwards thanks to a pair of infamous blue spheres.

A pair of men suddenly appeared in front of the still living pair, one with a unique white coat with flames licking the bottom, and the other with five orange swishing fox tails.

"You called Ojii-san? Oh and I'm her mate not boyfriend." Naruto joked, while turning his head in a profile view a large fang filled grin across his lips.

"Naru-kun!" Natsumi gushed, while launching herself at him her arms wrapping themselves around his neck.

"Hai...and I brought a friend." He said poking his head towards Minato, who was just smiling.

The two just looked at Naruto oddly, but Natsumi quickly understood what he meant and smiled at him.

"Ah...welcome back then Minato-san" Natsumi greeted respectfully.

"Arigato Natsumi-san."

"Ok...someone mind explaining?"

"Hai...I too would also like to know why my third killing machine hasn't completed his assignment." Orochimaru's voice cut through the four, after having enough of being ignored.

"Gomen...but that would ruin the surprise of figuring out how to undo you're Edo Tensei" Naruto said with an intimidating leer.

"Don't make me laugh are far to young, and inexperienced to understand the workings of my jutsu. Let alone happen to have learned a jutsu that could counteract it." Orochimaru sneered.

Naruto smirked. "Unfortunately for you...I happened have a very wise demoness by my side, as well as a genius doctor/researcher as a dear friend. So in this case many things are of them being the complete resurrection of my Tou-san."

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