Chapter 7: Training: Year 4

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Naruto Age: 30 (Immortal)

Naruto Mental Age: 12

One Month Later,

A month had passed since Naruto's duel with Raiga, and for the most part everything was as it had been for the last three years. Naruto continued on with his training, while getting a bit farther in his mastery of his Tou-san's jutsu. He was also taught about and later mastered 'Shinku Kaijin' and it's untapped power while in it's released form because of it's sentience and origins.


"So you are telling me that it has another form then the one I'm holding?" Naruto asked slightly puzzled at the revelation that Natsumi just told him about his sword.

" I've said because of it's sentience from my fur your blade has another more powerful form. But to be able to control it's 'released' form you must summon 'Shinku Kaijin' itself to this plane. To do so simply allow your blood to run down the sword and then thrust it into the ground."

Naruto eyed his sword carefully before doing as his sensei instructed and nicked his finger along the blade, driving it into the ground. No sooner had the sword hit the earth did a seal looking much like a summoning seal appear on the ground, only this one was in blood as a plumb of smoke erupted. The plumb of smoke soon gave way to a silhouette, which then later gave way to an identical looking Naruto only this one looked...evil. Everything that Naruto wasn't was personified on this 'doppleganger', from the opposite colors of clothes, to his jet black hair and eyes.

"What is this and why does it look like me?" Naruto asked in agitation, looking at Natsumi.

"I am...'Shinku Kaijin'" The doppleganger said in a deep almost regal tone.

"'re me!" Naruto retorted "Before I blow this thing away, tell me what I need to do to control the 'released' form Kyuubi-sensei"

"You...Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto...must defeat me in battle in order to wield my power...that is all that must be done" The Dark Naruto spoke while raising his sword, pointing it at the original.

"There you have it Naruto" Natsumi said in a singsong voice while moving out of the way.

"Your never kid when it comes to this sort of thing do you sensei?" He retorted before getting into his 'Kitsune Issei Ryu' stance.

Not another word was spoken as both Naruto's just stared at the other, until they phased out of place and reappeared with their swords clashing against each other. The duel had lasted close to an hour, neither Naruto gaining an upper hand. Of course the real Naruto could have easily won had he used jutsu...but it was silently understood that it was to be kenjutsu only.

"Kitsune Issei-Ryu: Kitsune Tsume no Mai!" Naruto shouted, releasing his attack...while dark Naruto simply parried all of the strikes.

"Not bad Naruto-san...but you'll need to do better then that" The dark version smirked, while chipping away at the man's pride.

"DAMMIT I can't hit him!" Naruto yelled in his mind. "This guy...why did he take my form for? He could had taken anyones so why mine...wait...WAIT!" Naruto's expression took a shocked turn before he jumped away from his other half.

"We'll end this in one blow...this is tiresome and I need to get back to REAL training." Naruto said smuggly.

The dark Naruto only smirked. "Oh? Is not getting a single blow on me not enough of a work out for you then?"

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