Chapter 13: Meetings

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Hokage's Office,

"Enter" An aged voice called out from within his office after hearing a knock on the door.

The door to the Hokage's office soon opened up revealing five people, three ANBU officers and two teenagers.

"Hokage-sama, we have retrieved Uzumaki Naruto and Natsumi as you've requested once they returned from their mission in wave." The 'Neko' masked ANBU stated in her 'work' voice.

"Ah good, thank you 'Neko' may go back to your posts now" Sarutobi ordered, waving his hand in dismissal.

The three ANBU quickly left the office leaving only the three occupants in the room in silence. Sarutobi was filling out some more paper work for a few minutes before the pair became agitated.

"Ojii-san if you just wanted to annoying us, then you're doing one hell of a job. Now why have you and the council summoned us for? Or is it as we suspected?" Naruto asked, with an annoyed tone.

Sarutobi stamped his insignia on a single paper before putting the rest away and sighed.

"I wasn't the one to call this meeting, the council called it but I don't know why. Though hai I assume that it'll has to do something with you two and your return here." He responded.

"Well it was bound to happen sooner or later." Natsumi said in a huff.

"Gomen...I didn't want to reveal..."

"Kakashi I dislike eavesdroppers...get out here" Naruto interrupted.

A shadow in the corner of the room began to bend and warp into the form of the infamous copy-ninja, with an embarrassed smile under his mask.

"You better have a good reason for this Hatake. This meeting is a private matter of which you have no need to to be a part of." Sarutobi growled out, not only for his subordinate's eavesdropping, but also that Naruto called the cyclops out when he didn't notice him himself.

"Gomennasai Hokage-sama..." He started with a bow. "...I had come here to have a word with you before this meeting occurred. But the ANBU got here before I could and I just came in hoping I could still get that chance." He explained.

"That still doesn't explain why you purposely hid yourself from us, and then listened in on this meeting." The Hokage countered.

Kakashi's nonchalant mannerisms quickly left leaving only battle-hardened shinobi standing there.

"Its because I have concerns that need to be answered about these two standing in front of me Hokage-sama..." He began before eying the two teens. "...I have seen strong Genin in my time. But I have NEVER seen any as strong as these two. Their skills are greater then they are willing to express and I've also noticed they are using a type of genjutsu that is beyond anything I have ever seen or heard of. I want to know who they really are and what they are truly capable of." Kakashi's hardened voice cut through the room, making everyone know he was deathly serious about every word he just spoke.

Sarutobi just sighed softly. "I should have figured that if anyone of the Jounin would find these two odd it would be Kakashi"

"Gomen Kakashi but those questions not even I can completely answer. I only know the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these two. If you wish to know more you can ask them yourself...but I doubt they will tell you." He confessed.

Kakashi just looked analyzing at the two pseudo-teens in front of him, before sighing, and nodded to his commander.

"I understand...with Naruto's past in this place I can see why he would be hesitant to tell or show anyone the 'real' him. And after what I've done to him I know he won't tell me. So all I can do is wait until he reveals himself or trusts me enough to tell me the truth. Gomennasai my intrusion will not happen again" He explained, making Naruto crack a small smile...he would admit that Kakashi was making strides to get in his good graces, but there was still a long way to go.

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