Chapter 16: Chuunin Exams (Part 2)

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Morning had come too soon for the demon pair, but they groggily got up to start the day anyway. They showed together, enjoying the closeness they shared before getting Haku.

"Ohayo Natsumi-san, Naruto-san." Haku said hiding her yawn, before she noticed Naruto had changed his look from his normal 'mini-Jounin' look. "New look?" She asked curiously.

"Yea Naru-kun...I didn't think you'd get so serious this early on in the exam. Especially going so far as to finally use those special sandals I got you." Natsumi agreed, noticing that he wore the sandals she had gotten him while training.

Naruto's new look wasn't as different as the two made it seem. The only differences in his dress was that he exchanged his form-fitting shinobi pants for a pair of loose flowing black pants that flared out the farther down the leggings it got. He also had his dark orange flak jacket open revealing his form-fitting shirt, while he had his Konoha headband now wrapped around his waist like a make-shift belt, leaving his hair to fall slightly over his eyes. His last changes were the white socks he wore along with the black sandals that wrapped around his toes and heel and ankle.

They looked very sleek, much different then normal shinobi sandals which were heavily padded to cushion the shock from landings since they could jump from high places such as trees and cliffs. His sandals lacked the sheer thickness in the sole which could allow a lot of damage to the legs if used improperly while fighting. That is the exact reason that those kinds of sandals became obsolete when the age of samurai and ONLY close-quarters combat died and the age of chakra and shinobi took hold.

"But I might get a chance to fight someone interesting...and I don't want to disappoint!" He said with a bloodthirsty leer, that wasn't unnoticed by his companions.

"True" Natsumi conceded, with a shrug and a happy smile at seeing her mate's 'evil side' so early in the morning.

"Ano...Natsumi-san what did you mean by 'special' sandals?" Haku questioned curious as she eyed Naruto's foot-ware.

"You'll see Haku-chan you'll see" She answered cryptically with a smirk, making Haku uncharacteristically pout in defiance.

"Well lets go guys, would be rude to keep them waiting." Naruto ordered while activating his compounds security once they had exited the gates.

The team quickly maneuvered through the desolate streets, and made it to training ground forty-four in little time. Once on the scene they noticed that the other teams were already there and were simply waiting for the exam to begin. The team walked into an open area and sat down waiting for the same as the other teams.

"Ohayo..." A grizzly voice called out to them, making them look in it's direction.

"Ah Ohayo Gaara, Temari-chan, Kankuro" Naruto greeted seeing the siblings walking up to them.

"We just wanted to wish you good luck in the exams" Temari said with a warm smile.

"Arigato, and good luck to you as well" Haku smiled back.

"Gaara, have you come to a decision by chance?" Naruto asked.

"Hai...we would like the help...once the exams are over" Gaaga answered, being careful of his choice of words.

Both teams had already noticed that ever since Team Ice Fox entered the area, a good portion of the Genin stared at them with calculating and intent gazes. Forcing the two teams to tread carefully with the topics and words they spoke.

"Good, we'll deal with it once it's over then?" Naruto agreed.

"Ohayo..." Another voice, though decided softer and feminine then the first called out to the group.

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