Chapter 28: Spoils of War

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No sooner did the sannin turn to mud did a loud wooden crash emanate from the tree line at the outskirts of the clearing, before a body flew in a bee-line right towards Naruto. In response to the commotion Naruto simply pull two of his tails in front of him, and right before the body rammed into him was caught by the tails. One wrapping around the person's midsection binding his arms to his sides, and the other around his neck.

"Tsk tsk tsk...trying to run away ne Orochimaru? And with so little chakra left too?" Naruto questioned pulling up his head so his sharp gaze was glaring at the snake's.

" did you know?" The sannin questioned back, but Naruto noticed an inflection in his voice that denoted the tiniest hint of fear.

"How did I know what? That this was just a 'Tsuchi Bushin' (Earth Clone)? That if I got the upper hand in the fight you'd try to slither away? That you barely have any chakra left to even give a Gennin a decent fight?" Naruto questioned. "Simple're a creature of habit..." He answered making his prisoner narrow his eyes. "...I've researched you well enough to realize a pattern in your battle strategies. Plus it helps when you have first hand commentary on your thinking patterns and actions from a certain gorgeous and vengeful purpled-haired student of yours. Other then the blatantly obvious similarities between you and a snake, you treat battle much like a snake would. You ONLY attack when you have some kind of advantage over your opponent. Or you make one such as taking an opponent's ally hostage or the like. And the moment that advantage is used up or goes wrong you slither away leaving any of your own allies as fodder for your escape." He elaborated before smirking sadistically while squeezing Orochimaru tightly with his tails getting gasping coughs from the sannin. "And while the majority of shinobi are guilty of this...YOU always take it one step farther then the rest...always pushing the lines of morality, and humanity." He pressed on, allowing the tail around his throat to loosen slightly. "But to answer the remaining two questions directly...I knew that was a 'Tsuchi Bushin' because...that is your 'Modus Operandi' while fleeing a battle, and its one of the few Bushin jutsu you've mastered. As for how I know you barely have any chakra left, it was the fact that the 'Kage Bushin's I set up as a perimeter for when you would try to escape, was able to easily deal with you. I only gave them enough chakra to give me an extra set of eyes, yet even with that little chakra the one you met up with was able to completely over power you and send you back to the situation we are currently in." He finished.

Orochimaru gritted his teeth, at the be upstaged and treated like a child by an upstart boy who is only as strong as he is because of the demon that resides in was utterly maddening for the genius. His anger however soon gave way to laughter when he recalled Naruto's earlier statement.

"And what? You believe you're any better then me?" The sannin laughed as much as the tails would allow. "Don't be so quick to judge me before you take a long look at yourself Naruto-kun. Tell me just how many people have you killed today alone? How many Okaa-sans...Otou-sans...Onee-chans...Onii-chans...Koibitos have you killed this day? Were all those deaths REALLY necessary? Or could you have defeated some of them without ending their lives instead? Don't try to ostracize my way of being a shinobi like you're any better."

In a flash Orochimaru was brought nose to nose with Naruto who was growling ferally, the look in his eyes akin to hellfire.

"I may have killed people just like you or any other person who call themselves a shinobi. Its an unfortunate part of our profession that will never change no matter how much many of us wish it to. However WE are NOTHING and I. I DON'T experiment on people to push past what is not meant for human hands to grasp...for my selfish purposes and sole gratification. I DON'T torture people into a submission of false loyalty and use their fear as a deterrence from questioning me. I DON'T kill people for their beliefs or their willingness to defy my ideals or insane dreams. But most of all...I DON'T kill the INNOCENT...especially not women or their children!" He barked harshly, the last example Orochimaru noticed to be especially important to him...before he realized what it meant and smiled in sadistic satisfaction.

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