Chapter 26: The Fourth Great Shinobi War (Part 1)

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Chaos...bloody chaos...that could be the only way to describe the current battle. Blood flowed like water across the shattered earth, flesh was cut, burned, melted, torn, limbs and bodies thrown about the once green clearing. Bones broke and crunched underneath the weight of the stampedes of still fighting bodies. Morals, honor, and beliefs...all were crushed and laid to waste underneath the sheer magnitude behind the meaning this battle represented for ALL the elemental nations.

Despite the battle already lasting for over an hour, a clear winner could not be determined. Both sides took heavy losses, and yet it seemed that neither was willing to give up until the last man and woman on their side was dead. And for what the winner of this battle would receive at the end was considered well worth the sacrifice that EVERY single shinobi fighting that day would make.

As the battle had progressed in time, the tactical strategies that both sides had tried to implement in the beginning quickly crumbled when the over whelming fact of a battle of this magnitude couldn't be won with strategies like a chess game. But from the sheer will to survive being stronger that that of the enemy. Because of this and the nature of the fighting, many battalions of shinobi diverged from the main units and picked up fights in multiple areas within the battlefield.

With The Uzumakis,

"Ug...these bastards just won't quit!" Valios shouted in annoyance after skewering another enemy only for three more to show up to chase them.

The Uzumaki Matriarch and her children had separated from the main army to deal with the enemy on their own terms. However they bit off more then they could chew when they had been surrounded a detachment of over 200 shinobi, after killing a small battalion of their comrades. After a grueling battle that took many of their enemies lives as well as taking several large blows themselves, including Kyoshiro loosing his left arm to a windmill shuriken, they were down to the last fifty Chuunin and Jounin.

The family of four was currently in shambles as they continued to flee from their pursuers. Even Kushina who was on par with the sannin just couldn't keep up with the sheer number of shinobi attacking them at once while also protecting her children when needed. And in truth there were several times when the group would have lost their lives had Kyoshiro not used his most powerful triple-layered genjutsu to give them enough time to escape and recuperate from the never ending wave of enemies.

"Kyoshiro-kun how is your arm?" Kushina asked as they jumped through the trees, looking at her youngest child whose bloody sleeved dripped with the crimson liquid.

"Slightly better Kaa-san, the bleeding has slowed considerably since we put the tourniquet on." He answered in slight pain with the shabby tourniquet made out of his belt wrapped around his upper arm.

"We need to stop running and deal with them so we can get him some help." Valios suggested harshly, only to have Kushina shoot down the same idea for a fifth time.

"I've already said that we can't risk that! If we ARE to attack them we must find a sufficient spot to ambush them in." The Matriarch shot back.

"We have to do something Kaa-san." Kasumi argued in a concerned voice while looking at her youngest brother seeing that he was sweating heavily more likely then not from blood loss.

Suddenly the family stopped on a tree, and brandished weapons, while turning their backs to one another in a circle. The next moment a group of enemy shinobi appeared in front of them...all Jounin by their attire.

"Seems they weren't lying ne Taichou?" One of the Jounin said with a sadistic smile while looking at the man in the middle who brandished an Iwa headband.

"Seems so..." The built man's gruff voice answered, before his eyes zeroed in on Kushina. "...oh and whats this? They failed to mention that Uzumaki of the four generals...leader of the Uzumaki clan...but most importantly...widow of Namikaze Minato...the Yondaime Hokage...Konoha's 'Yellow Flash' was among the ones they were pursuing." He announced, before his emotionless expression turned to one of a happy psychotic. "And soon to be slave of EVERY Iwa shinobi in Earth Country as reparations for what her husband did to us." He stated with sadistic pleasure, making the family narrow their eyes.

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