Chapter 2: A 'Friend' Emerges

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Four Years Later: (October 10th),

A young boy could be seen running through the moonlit streets of Konoha exhausted beyond what a boy his age should be, yet still running nonetheless. He had bright blond hair and ocean blue eyes, with three whisker marks on each cheek. He was the savior to the Hidden Leaf Village...Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto...but for those who lived in Konoha, he was only "The Demon". He wore disgusting garbs not fit for any person to wear, they smelled horrible, and were ripped to shreds barely hanging onto his obviously malnourished body. He turned a darkened corner and met the one thing he wish he hadn't, a dead-end. He turned to run back but alas, the mob of villagers and some shinobi had caught up to him, cornering him in that dreadful alley.

"Ah finally stopped running ne demon!?" A man sneered

"Good I was getting tired from running after your little ass!" Another agreed

"We'll take good care of you demon...just like the Yondaime would have wanted for desecrating his only son's visage!" A third one concurred.

The mob slowly walked towards the boy who was huddled against the wall crying, wishing for someone...anyone to help him.

"W...why are you doing t...this to me? I n...never did anything to you, I'm not a de...demon, I'm just me. I just want to be left alone...p...please." He pleaded, tears running down his dirtied form.

"Aw...the little demon wants mercy how...detestable! Where was your mercy when you were slaughtering our Kaa-sans (mothers) and Tou-sans (fathers), our Onee-sans (sisters) and Onii-sans (brothers) huh?" The first man barked back.

The mob lost all self-control after the final words of their family's losses was spoken, and simply beat the hell out of the little boy cowering in fear of them. Right before the final blow was struck, the boy turned into a log to the mob's frustration. They turned to see the half conscious, bleeding, and broken boy in the arms of one of the few people who had ever protected him from them. Sadly he was one if not thee strongest person in the entire village...the Sandaime Hokage.

"And just what the HELL do yo people think you are doing to him!?" Sarutobi yelled, letting his KI wash over the mob, making most into crying, sniveling babies.

"We were simply finishing what the Yondaime started, and what he'd want us to finish if he was still alive! The demon took over his only sochi's body for Kami-sama's (God's) sake Hokage-sama!" One of the few ninjas associated with mob had gasped out.

He narrowed his eyes at the group. "I see...well I've told you fools for the past five years what happened...and I'm tired of repeating myself. ANBU! Take care of these fools, they have broken my law and WILL pay the consequences!"

A squad of ANBU puffed out of no where, and did the handsigns of the infamous Uchiha clan's signature move. After the fires finished the mob off, and the screams finally subsided Sarutobi 'shunshin'ed into his office with a medical team already prepared for the boy. It only took a few hours for the medics to stop the healing, knowing the demon will do the rest of the work. They'd rather save their real chakra for people who truly deserved it. The Hokage dismissed them, however not before having a little 'chat' about medical ethics and certain 'lessons' involving a searing hot kunai and certain appendages and orifices. After about ten minutes, Naruto finally awoke from his bloody encounter, finding himself not in the alley anymore but an office. He tensed up and shot glances for the nearest exit.

"Its ok know you are always safe in this office." An voice all too familiar to Naruto called out.

"You saved me again Ojii-san(Grandfather)?"

"Hai (Yes)...and those men won't be bothering you again Naruto. Hm...I bet you are hungry I'll go get us some tea and snacks ne?"

Naruto's stomach growled at the mention of food, and furiously nodded his head, erupting a small laugh from the old Hokage before leaving. Naruto decided to explore the office while he waited, and was checking the book shelf when he noticed a book that seemed out of place for where it was. He pulled the book out, but it stopped mid-pull when one of the floor boards popped up. Of course being a curious child Naruto knew no better, and went to check out what was going on. He lifted the floor board and saw two scrolls, one being a lot larger then the other, as well as a box with a strange symbol etched into the top of the wood. Naruto randomly picked up one of the scrolls, unfurled it and began to read...never realizing this little incident would change his life forever.

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