Chapter 4: Training: Year 1

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Chapter 4: Training: Year 1

Naruto's Age: 6

Naruto's Mental Age: 6

Konoha Forest (6 years ago),

In a clearing of a forest at the border of Fire Country, a red transparent flame erupted and dissipated just as suddenly leaving a small blond boy in a orange jumpsuit gasping for air in its wake.

"Take deep breaths Naruto" Kyuubi instructed.

"H...Hai" He rasped out

After about ten minutes Naruto recovered and stabilized his breathing. He looked around but couldn't recognize any part of the forest.

"Ano Kyuubi-Sensei...where am I?"

"We are currently at the boarder of Fire Country Naruto."

Naruto's expression grew shocked. "H...How?! We were just a few miles away from Konoha a few minutes ago!"

"Remember I told you I can influence you mentally or physically anytime I please? Well I used one of my jutsus to get us here. As for why we are here its for are still protected in the land of fire, but I don't want any interruptions with your training either, hence why we are at the boarder. There shouldn't be anyone from Konoha around here for a few months to look for you, and by then we will be gone." Naruto nodded in understanding, before sitting crossing his legs and waiting patiently for his new sensei to begin the lesson. "Before we begin, you need to first learn the academic points of being a shinobi before you can even learn how to wield the powers of one. I will warn you since as a child you may bored easily, that you will have to pay attention for hours at a time on lectures before I actually begin to teach you jutsus. Do you understand Naruto?"

Naruto frowned at the prospect and sighed in defeat "H...hai Kyuubi-sensei."

"Good, now try to find a nice spot to rest, I want you to get some sleep. You've had a trying day, and tomorrow you begin your training." Kyuubi instructed.

Naruto nodded, and get his backpack to begin looking for a suitable spot in the lush forest. After looking for some time he finally found one that would suit his needs perfectly. It was a little enclave inside a trunk of a rather large tree, it supported him while he slept, and kept him fairly hidden from people, predators or nature itself. Once he finished unpacking, he nestled himself into the tree and fell asleep soon after.


Naruto woke up to a familiar sound on water dripping into a large body of water. He opened his eyes to find himself in his mindscape once more, he wasn't frightened this time, however a look of confusion was on his face this time. He followed the pipes once more to get to Kyuubi's cage, finding the large fox waiting for him.

"Welcome back Naruto."

Naruto's logic kicked in and quickly bowed to the fox, before standing back upright and moving closer to the golden bars.

"Why am I here Kyuubi-sensei?"

"Because I wanted to speed up the process of training you." Kyuubi responded before closing its eye's and a wave of red flashed throughout the area. "I just activated my 'Hitotoki Hayameru no Jutsu' (Time Quickening Technique)inside your mind. As the name suggests it actually quickens the time in your mind. Or if you want to go another route, makes it seem as though time slows down in the real world. The advantage to this is that now I can teach you twice as much in your head I ever could have outside of it. A side effect however is that because it is literally your mind speeding up, your mental 'age' with also grow faster."

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