Chapter 18: Chuunin Exams (Part 3 - Continued)

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"Oi! whats with all the yelling!? Its like a guy just died in here!" A familiar voice called out, making everyone's attention move towards the door to the arena.

All of the people in the room looked at two people who just entered, though more specifically the shorter one and the one who just spoke, causing many of their mouths to open in disbelief.

"I...impossible!" Most of them thought, wondering if their eyes were deceiving them.

Right in the archway stood one Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto. His cloths looking untouched as well as looking different, his skin unmarred and chest still in tact.

"N...Naruto-kun?" Yugito questioned barely above a whisper, thinking it was just a trick of the light and her tears...but she wiped them away and still saw Naruto standing there.

"Bastard...has us scared sick!" Izanami roared in Yugito's mind, before a sigh of relief escaped her lips. "But I'm glad hes ok, kitten calm down ne?" She said comfortingly to her friend

"Ah...I she was able to defeat my Bushin eh?" The 'new' Naruto questioned. "Well then I suppose it's my turn" He concluded, while nodding at Hana who had been standing next to him, but was now walking up the balcony steps to meet his team.

"Bushin?" Most of the people thought questioningly after their bout of shock wore off. "What kind of Bushin was that!?"

"Chishio Bushin (Blood Clone)..." Sarutobi said in almost a whisper yet it carried throughout the entire room.

"Chishio...Bushin?" Kurenai asked.

He nodded. "A rarely used but very powerful Bushin jutsu...that most shinobi have discarded as obsolete with newer Bushin jutsu that have been created, the Kage Bushin being one." He explained.

"What exactly is it?" She asked.

He turned towards the genjutsu mistress. "The name should explain it is a clone made entirely of the users blood. However the reason this jutsu is so powerful as well as the reason most shinobi don't use it anymore is because of the cost to the user. The only way to summon a 'Chishio Bushin' is to have the exact volume of blood of the user. Meaning that you'd have to drain the user's weight in their own blood to create a single Chishio Bushin." He explained getting gasps from many of the shinobi in the room. "However with this great price, comes great rewards. This Bushin has no set time limit of usage, it can potentially be a perfect copy of the user...making it great for spying, or escaping. And the final thing about the Chishio Bushin when summoned is that its gifted with a third of the user's chakra without actually taking chakra from the user themselves. So it can also be a great offensive jutsu if the user has enough chakra because the Bushin is just like a normal person it can bleed and take damage and can only be dispelled when 'killed' or told to." He finished, as Naruto had finally reached the center of the arena and standing in the blood puddle of his clone.

"I...I was fighting a Bushin...this entire time!?" Kasumi yelled in her head.

"That took me a long time to create you know..." Naruto said offhandedly. "...but he did his job I suppose. You look like he put you through the wringer a few times before you finished him." Naruto finished tilting his head to the side childishly.

Kasumi snorted at his jab on her current look, before smirking and put a hand on her hip.

"True...that was a fairly impressive jutsu of yours..." She started, making him smirk. "...however as you can lost. I was able to beat him."

"Did I now?" He questioned, in a mocking tone. "Last I checked a Bushin is just a Bushin...a shinobi's weapon. Just because you break a weapon doesn't mean the wielder is defeated. It would be the same concept if Valios...who I'm going to have a little chat with later after what I saw him do to Kiba before I healed him...defeated only Akamaru. Would that mean that Kiba lost the match? No...meaning that our battle is still going just simply earned the right to fight the REAL me now." He explained.

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