Chapter 10: The Return

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Naruto Age: 30 (Immortal)

Naruto Mental Age: 18

"...well thats about it." Naruto finished, taking a breath and another sip of sake that Sarutobi had decided to pass out during the telling of the story.

The occupants in the room were speechless...for a six year old boy to have so much happen to him in only a span of six years was...unimaginable. But then again the life of a jinchuuriki was anything but normal. However even with the story finished, it seemed that more questions were raised then were answered, and the aged Hokage was anxious to get some of them answered.

" let me get this left the village under the guidance of the lord of all bijuu who is in fact a female? Whom then proceeded to teach you the way of the shinobi? During this time you basically went around the different elemental nations learning everything you could about the different elemental jutsu as well as other things? Not only that but during said training, you learned how to release Kyuubi from the Yondaime's seal, and also become part demon yourself in the process? Is there anything I'm missing?" He asked, his face seeming to age more and more as he spoke.

Naruto smiled knowingly. "Well as an abstract of the story...hai thats about it."

Sarutobi nodded. "I see...and I suppose that if I asked you for specific details about lets say, where you traveled, who trained you, the jutsu you learned during your training, and also how you managed to bypass your Tou-san's seal to release wouldn't be willing to answer am I correct in assuming such?"

Naruto grinned widely. "Seems like you still know me too well Ojii-san." The Hokage sigh in both frustration and disappointment...he really was curious about what the man in front of him could do.

"Its part of my job to be able to read people Naruto-kun...and I could easily tell with how you described your story, that you deliberately left out the more 'interesting' details...for whatever reasons they may be."

Naruto nodded in affirmation of the man's assumptions. "My reasons are actually quite simple..." He sighed contently after taking another sip of sake. "...I don't trust this place, I doubt I ever will. And although I trust everyone in this room, your positions in this village as shinobi are a liability not only to my but Natsu-chan's safety. The council has too much clout over any of you, and if you know too much about us they WILL force said information out of you and that isn't something I'm willing to allow. I'm not telling you everything for ALL of our sake's and protection in case things go badly in the future. Besides...isn't one of the greatest advantages a shinobi has the element of surprise? Where is the surprise in telling people what I'm capable of?" He finished with a toothy smirk, making the rest of the room laugh lightly at his joke.

"Well Naruto-kun I certainly can't argue with your logic about the situation we are all in, now that you've returned. And it is as you've guessed, the council will definitely want to know about you as soon as possible once they realize you've returned." Sarutobi affirmed getting a nod from the rest of the group, then turned to Natsumi. "" Sarutobi sputtered, before correcting himself not knowing how to address the demoness after everything thats happened. "...if you and Naruto-kun are ok with me asking for my own, and I'm sure everyone else's curiosity...if you were to evaluate Naruto-kun's abilities, where would you rate him on the shinobi food chain?"

Natsumi chanced a glance at her mate to see his decision, once he nodded she turned back to the aged man with a devilish smirk.

"Well...since Naru-kun gave me his consent I suppose I can answer a question like that without giving away too much about his specific abilities..." She answered now purposely exaggerating a thinking pose. "...on a scale between a Genin and Kage for his jutsu knowledge, chakra reserves without my influence, and skills in taijutsu, and genjutsu. I'd say Naruto stands around high Jounin level. Though that is only because we wasn't able to get a lot of real battle experience to practice what hes learned. If he had more experience in the field I'd give him Sannin if not Kage..." She paused, enjoying the looks of shock and awe amongst her audience, and continued her little head games right when Sarutobi was going to speak again. "...however should he decide to begin releasing my chakra through his tails well..." She paused one last time for drama and fear when she licked her lips in a hungry, and demonic way. "...he is a Kami among mortals." She finished with a sadistic smile showing off her razor sharp teeth, adding to the already palpable fear.

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