Chapter 23: Of Rescues . . .

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Two days later,

Its been two nearly endless days since the failed invasion of Konoha, and the village had been very busy in trying to get any and all repairs going to fix it's once pristine form. As the village itself began recuperation, those in seats of power including the village council were still frantic over all the issues that had to be discussed. The foremost issue being the reconstruction of the village and mass burials for the deceased, with many other topics being discussed the other two important being: The decision about what to do with one Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto.

After his spectacle at the gates, many of council members (Especially those who witnessed it first hand) other then Tsume and Hiashi were on edge to continue allowing him within the village walls, and with no supervision to counterbalance the power he possessed. If they had their way they would have the man bound, gagged, stuffed in a damp cell with chakra cuffs on and drain him of every sperm he had to get both clan bloodlines he possessed back into Konoha's grasp. Fortunately for Naruto, Sarutobi informed those that didn't know already that since no one could get inside the Namikaze mansion without Naruto's consent, the best he could do was set up ANBU outside the premises, which much to his relief kept the council satisfied for the moment.

The second topic talked about was what they could, should, and would do about Hana, and Kasumi's kidnapping. However when the topic was brought up Sarutobi simply told them he already had plans made for their rescue, which seemed to subdue the tenseness in the room. Though Danzo looked less then happy at the prospect for unknown reasons. Earlier that day Sarutobi had finally chanced a visit to Kushina to tell her the news of her daughter's whereabouts. And although the woman was still in a deep depression thinking over her conversation with her deceased husband, the moment she heard about Kasumi well...lets just say training ground four wouldn't be usable for a LONG time.

Meanwhile, no one...not even Sarutobi himself heard about any news on Naruto. Even the ANBU he stationed at the mansion reported that no one has entered nor left the mansion since they've been deployed there. Sarutobi himself grimaced at the news, and worry etched his face whenever he had a spare moment and an image of Naruto's bloody body emerged in his mind's eye. He did his best to ignore the feeling in the pit of his stomach, and continued to do his best to figure out the best ways to deal with all the problems the village had. One of the major ones about to be discussed in his office once his four guests got to his office.

Namikaze Mansion,

In the master bed laid the orange haired hanyou Naruto, with his abdomen completely covered in bandages and a wet cloth resting on his forehead. He'd been out for the past two days with a worrying pair of women that stayed by his side the entire time. Though that quickly changed when Natsumi 'bonk'ed herself in the head and deciding to cut out the middle man went back into the seal to see how Naruto was holding up, which secretly frustrated Yugito to know end for not being able to do the same and see him. Fortunately for the Nibi container after two days her time to wait for him to regain conscious finished.

" feels like I've been stabbed through the chest..." Naruto's groaned voice said haggardly before his past memories shot back. "...oh yea..." He retorted dumbly, rubbing his chest still feeling phantom pain from the blade.

Naruto opened his eyes slowly, before surveying his surroundings...thankfully Natsumi kept him up to date on what happened thus far after he blacked out so he wasn't out of the loop nor surprised that he was back home. He sat up from the bed and was about to pull the sheets back when he felt resistance and looked over only to see a peacefully sleeping Yugito resting on her arms with her head on the edge of his bed. He leaned over to get a better view of the sleeping woman, and bit back a chuckle when he saw a small puddle of drool under her mouth. He tentatively stretched out a hand and as gently as he could began to caress her head trying not to wake her, and almost immediately saw a contented smile stretch on her lips and a throaty purr rumble from her chest.

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