Chapter 24: . . . & Goodbyes

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Next Day (Afternoon),

The pair completely slept through the entirety of the morning, before Naruto woke up in the beginning of the afternoon thanks to his most hated enemy...sun light.

"Damn, its worse then Ojii-san's paperwork" He grumbled, his eyes getting attuned to the bright room and pulled Hana who was still in his arms against him before kissing her forehead like the night before, smiling sadly that he had to wake up such a peaceful looking mate. "Hana-chan..." He cooed out, shaking her lightly only getting moans of sleep for his efforts. "...Hana-chan its time to wake up." He continued before kissing her which succeeded in awakening her.

"Mmm...Naru-kun..." She moaned through the side of her lips since the rest was currently be kissed by her lover. "...certainly a wake up call I could get used to." She finished whimsically, her eyes now open and looking back at him lovingly with a smile.

"I'll remember that..." He smiled back giving her a chaste kiss, before releasing his entangled tails from her body, which caused her to shiver slightly from the draft in the room hitting her bare back. " Hana-chan I...we have something to talk about before we get up." He said, his voice taking on a serious note.

"What is it koishii (beloved)?"

Naruto was rather nervous...he wasn't sure how his newly established mate would react when they just consummated their relationship and confessed their love. He let out a long sigh before looking into Hana's chocolate brown orbs.

"Natsu-chan and I plan to leave both Konoha and Fire Country today...more specifically..."

"I'm coming with you." She interrupted commandingly, which surprised Naruto by both her tone and words.


"No...the moment we got together and you told me what your plans were I knew that you'd be leaving soon after he invasion because that was the whole reason you returned in the first place. Ever since then I have been speaking to Hokage-sama and my clan especially Kaa-san and my otouto...about US..." She began. "...and before the invasion began they finally agreed to what I wished. That if we became more then what we were, I would give up my title as clan heir making Kiba the new heir, and I would resign as a Konoha shinobi with honor and then leave with you." She finished.

Naruto was taken aback, and quite speechless at what she just told him. His mind took several minutes to wrap itself around the idea of what Hana told him, before it all sunk in.

"Hana-chan did all that for not for me...for us?" He questioned, getting an affirmative nod. "Hana-chan you really know what it is you're telling me? You're giving up your current life and lifestyle for me. you really want that?"

Hana couldn't help but giggle at his confused look, and stuttering questions...they made him seem cute.

"Hai my Naru-kun...I know the implications of my actions. I'm giving up my current life to leave and live along side the man I love. And in truth there wasn't much inner debate for me to decide what I wanted. It was more of trying to convince my family to let me go, but after they heard my arguments they reluctantly but lovingly allowed it and gave both you and I their blessing." She explained giving him a chaste kiss.

He returned the kissed, and let a small smile grace his lips. "I...I really don't know what to say Hana-chan. I didn't think you thought about my actions so far ahead. In truth I was completely terrified of this conversation, and how we would end up if wrong things were said..." He sighed out, letting the stress that was on his shoulders leave him. "...but thankfully I have a new beautiful and smart mate who apparently is a great tactician as well." His smile grew to a playful grin.

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