Chapter 9: Training: Year 6

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Naruto Age: 30 (Immortal)

Naruto Mental Age: 16

Fire Country (Boarder),

"And so we've come full-circle ne Natsu-chan?" Naruto stated in a joking manner, while looking around.

"It would seem so Naru-kun" She answered back.

The reason for his statement was simple, the pair just reached the interior boarder of Fire Country and were actually in the same clearing where Naruto first began his training a little over five years ago.

"Really is surprising how much I've changed in only five years..." He thought randomly before looking over at his mate and couldn't help but happily smile. "...and it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me." He concluded.

Natsumi was walking next to him, before she noticed the smile on his face. Wondering what was on his mind she decided to 'tease' him a bit before asking what was really up.

"Tsk tsk Naru-kun...can't keep your eyes off me ne? We'll gomen your charms will have to wait till AFTER training as always." She said smirking, while seeing a small tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"Always the vixen" He answered back smiling.

"Never heard you complain before..." she said chuckling before letting her face turn into a comfortable smile. "...everything alright Naru-kun?" Her tone now different, he realized she was curious.

"Ah hai...heh just being nostalgic I guess from being back where we began..." He stated before looking up in the sky, his eyes taking a distant look. "...So much has changed in the last five years ya' know? But all the same..." he paused his sentence, to grab Natsumi and pull her into a passionate kiss, before lightly pressing their foreheads together and looked into her eyes. "...this trip with you has been the best thing that could have happened to me." He finished with another smile and chaste kiss.

"If I didn't know you any better I would say you are trying to sweet talk me Namikaze-san..." She said with a small giggle. "...but you're right a lot has changed, for both of us separately, and together...and the trip really was amazing wasn't it?" She rhetorically asked, only getting a nod in response.

The two soon broke apart and quickly reminisced, before preparing the area for another long stay. Once the area was to their liking, Naruto called over Natsumi to have a small chat.

"Natsu-chan...what did you want me to get started on for training?" He asked in a relaxed but serious tone.

The demoness, knew this question was coming, but was hoping for more time. Truth be told in her mind there was TOO much to do and not enough time to do it these situations tend to fall into. She tried her best to encase this year of training into more specialized areas but there was still so much. She could only conclude that Naruto would have to work twice as hard this year then he had done for any other. The only upside is that his kage bushins would help dramatically in this department, but it would still be a tight squeeze to fit everything she wanted into the year.

"Honestly Naru-kun...too much..." She said with a chuckle. "...there are so many things I want you to work on, but I can only have you do so much. So I chopped it down to the five important things: Onipou jutsus, Uzumaki jutsus, Kenjutsu, Katon jutsus, and also any jutsus that you are concocting on your own as well. And knowing you and how dangerous your personalized jutsu can be, you'll need all the time you can get into perfecting them without blowing up half of fire country." She finished, laughing at one of her memories of the first time he demonstrated one of his own jutsu.

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