Chapter 11: Wave's Current (Part 1)

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It was the following day after Naruto's test and as the pair quickly found out, Konoha's reputation for being gossips was quite accurate. With the simple fact that it seemed many of the villagers heard he was back and quickly recognized him and already began their hateful glares and verbal tirades about 'the demon returning', causing the demon pair to scowl in annoyance. It was the early part of the morning so thankfully Naruto didn't have to deal with many gazes as he walked throughout the town. However the gazes still reminded Naruto of what he had chose to leave behind all those years ago and seeing them again only reaffirmed his decision to do so.

Natsumi who was walking with him wasn't subtle with her thoughts unlike he was. Evident by her growls and sneers at whomever looked at her mate...albeit in his child form currently...the wrong way. They had their first pseudo-mission with their new team, but Naruto had wanted to see a certain someone before they left. Natsumi just smiled at his thoughtfulness and nodded in agreement before they left the house. They reached the veterinary office with a little time to spare before their assigned meeting for their mission. The couple walked into the office and looked around, noticing no one dropped part of their genjutsu to look like their adult selves, before spotting a brown blur run past them.

"To be expected from an Inuzuka" Natsumi chuckled, making Naruto nod and laugh as well before they followed the blur.

They followed her scent and ended up at a door, they looked inside the window to find Inuzuka Hana tending to a large dog that seemed to have it's hind leg deeply slice by something. The two watched with some interest as Hana worked on the poor animal that was whimpering in pain. Soon the dog was asleep thanks to some sedatives, before Hana began to stitch the poor canine up. Noticing that she has finished the pair opened the door silently.

"I'll need to have a talk with your owner." Hana said to the unconscious dog, her tone ensuring pain to the owner that let this happen to their pet, that is until a pair of hands obscured her vision.

"Always the caring type ne Hana-chan?" A masculine voice chuckled against her ear, making her perk up at recognizing the voice immediately.

Hana didn't wait for the hands to move before she swiveled around to look at Naruto's smiling face.

"Naruto-kun!" She shouted before enveloping him in a hug.

"Hai, its me Hana-chan...nice work on that dog by the way" He complimented her returning her hug.

"Arigato" She said as she released her embrace, before noticed a smirking Natsumi leaning on the doorway. "Ah ohayo Natsumi-san"

Natsumi pouted cutely at the greeting. "Ohayou...what I don't get a hug?"

Hana rolled her eyes and walked over giving Natsumi a hug too, that is until Naruto noticed the glint in his mate's eyes, before his own widened into dinner plates when he saw Natsumi give Hana's ass a nice good squeeze, making Hana 'eep' and jump out of her embrace.

"What was that for!?" She asked incredulously while subconsciously rubbing her butt, making Naruto's blush deepen even more since he was still standing behind her getting quite the eyeful.

"I already told you before that I'm making sure you're good enough for my mate didn't I? And THAT was one of my tests...very nice by the way." She answered with a knowing grin, making Hana blush...well deeper considering it wasn't often she gets groped by a woman, let alone complimented after the fact.

Hana pouted. "Well give me some warning at least" She huffed.

"No fun in that now is there? Besides Naru-kun seemed to enjoy it." She responded with a smirk pointing to him.

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