Chapter 29: The Return Home

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It was finally over...after an entire year of endless battles...the forth shinobi war was over. It was funny really...because the very person who said the KIKO alliance would continue to fight even if he was killed, was the cause of the complete crumble of the alliance. The news of his death spread like wild fire throughout both sides of the conflict...the death of the Otokage...the legendary Snake sannin Orochimaru. Said news at first wasn't believed by the KIKO alliance. but was certainly proven to be true once Mitarashi Anko came into the field of battle with Orochimaru's legendary 'Kusinagi' by her side.

This loss, both in strength and morale, coinciding with the past retreat of Kumo after their Raikage was given to them...caused any and all hope, and vitality to continue fighting drain away. With the news of the two Kage's deaths ringing in their ears, as well as the reentry of Naruto and his comrades...the Tsuchikage, and Mizukage knew their chances of winning were drastically dwindling, and decided to 'bow out', calling for their respective shinobi to retreat back home.

When Konoha, Suna, and Whirlpool shinobi were about to give chase at the retreating shinobi...they were surprised to find two scrolls with the insignias of the Tsuchikage and Mizukage. The scrolls contained their terms of surrender to Konoha. With these scrolls, the shinobi of Oto scattering the moment Orochimaru was heard to be dead, and the deal they made with Kumo...the forth shinobi war was declared over.

That very night after the boarder's of Fire Country were declared secure, all the gathered shinobi for Konoha, Suna, and Whirlpool decided they couldn't wait to get home before they celebrated their 'underdog' victory. And despite the blood of their comrades and enemies still wet upon the earth, they celebrated throughout the entire night...not only for those who survived, but for those who did not by sacrificing their lives for their homes and freedom. For this reason only were the generals understanding in the celebration and allowed it to occur throughout the entire base-camp. Of course they kept sentinels posted in case of a sneak attack...couldn't be too careful after all. Nonetheless, every other shinobi and kunoichi alike celebrated their victory throughout the long hours of the night and early morning.

That Afternoon,

" head..." Anko groaned, leaning her head in her hand a grimace evident on her face.

The Yuki kunoichi sat up and looked around, letting her eyes focus on her surroundings, noticing she was in a large green tent with several beds.

"Ah...finally awake I see Anko-chan." A mirthful voiced called out to her.

She turned, and when her eyes focused again she saw Naruto cleaning 'Souten Kaze' on his lap while sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Could you keep it down please..." She grimaced. " long was I out? And where are we?"

"Damn really over did it...can't even remember anything about last night?" Another voice chuckled.

"Cram it Hana-chan...I'm not in the mood. Besides it was a celebration wasn't it?" She snapped back, watching the Inuzuka walking over before sitting on her designated bed.

"It was...but all you did was simple binge drinking. You're lucky Naruto-kun abstained and kept a watchful eye on us...he had to 'take care' of a few guys from Konoha who were eying you like a slab of meat the way you were acting. I guess they only NOW realized what a catch you were when you returned from Yuki, and tried to take advantage of a situation." She responded.

All Anko's hang over pain vanished for a minute as Hana's words registered, and she lifted her head to see Naruto's own looking down towards the shining blade in his lap.

"Arigato Whiskers" She apologized, with a thankful smile even though he couldn't see it.

Naruto stopped his hands for a moment, and simply grunted before going back to work. His response making Anko smile grow, after three years with him she had learned to translate his nonverbal responses...this particular one meaning 'Sok, I always got your back'. She turned towards Hana, and saw her disheveled appearance, making her quirk a brow.

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