Chapter 20: Invasion!

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"Chidori!" Sasuke yelled as he plunged his electrified hand into Gaara's chest cavity.

Most of the audience gasped at the sight, while others cheered on the Uchiha prodigy...that is until Gaara exploded in a cloud of sand.

"Tsh...that sand is starting to piss me off" Sasuke muttered under his breathe while looking for his opponent's location.

Unfortunately for him he found him...right after Gaara encased his body except for his head in sand.

"Uchiha Sasuke...this match is over...if you care to look around you, you'd notice that the audience is completely silent..." Gaara spoke motionlessly, as Sasuke looked around the stadium, indeed seeing that many of the audience were not only silent...but oddly enough sleeping. "...the reason for this is that Oto secretly planned to start an invasion and the eventual destruction of Konoha during our battle...and it has just begun" He explained.

"WHAT!?" Sasuke shouted in shock, now trying to struggle to get free, however finding it useless just glared at the redhead. "How exactly did you know about it?"

"That is simple..." Gaara retorted, his sand loosening it's grip slightly. "...up until a few hours ago Suna was planning on helping Oto in said invasion. However some 'evidence' has come to our attention that made us withdraw our help, transferring our allegiance back to Konoha." He finished, finally releasing his sand, though keeping it ready in defense in case Sasuke did anything rash.

"Well I certainly don't have the facts, nor the authority to dispute your claim. However if I find out what you told me is a lie, not even the land of wind will stop me from hunting you down."

"That Uchiha Sasuke is none of my concern at the I suggest we make haste in dealing with Oto." Gaara retorted, shrugging at Sasuke's threat before he 'shunshin'ed away in a swirl of sand.

"Well lets see if Oto has any worthy shinobi" Sasuke thought, before disappearing in a swirl of leaves...and soon after a large explosion rocked the Chuunin stadium giving the signal that the invasion had truly started.


" seems that Uzumaki Naruto's information about the invasion was accurate!" Gai shouted to Kakashi only a few yards away after slamming a Oto Jounin into the stadium wall.

Kakashi didn't respond to his self-appointed 'rival's words, at the mention of Naruto, thanks to still having the foul taste that their last conversation was comprised of playing in his consciousness. Fortunately for the slightly solemn Jounin a welcomed distraction made itself known in the form of Sasuke 'shunshin'ing next to him weapons already brandished.

"Ah good Sasuke you're here, this'll make my job easier..." He started, after just ending the life of another Oto shinobi. "...if you haven't been filled in already...Oto is invading, meaning the exams are canceled. However this is now a REAL leave no notions of mercy in your mind from this point on."

"I know that Kakashi...I may be a Genin but I'm also an Uchiha which means I know what it takes to be a REAL shinobi so don't baby me like you would Sakura." He retorted after launching a kunai at a distracted Oto shinobi who died from the weapon lodging itself into the side of his neck.

"Good...then I have no reason to keep you here. Sasuke your new mission is to release your Genin comrades from this Genjutsu, and to have all of them including you escort the civilians in the arena to the safe-houses in the village, understand?"

"Hai...but what about after my mission is done?"

"Defend the village." He ordered bluntly

"Heh...just the answer I wanted to hear" Sasuke answered back with a smirk, his Sharingan swirling violently with anticipation.

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