Chapter 5: Training: Year 2

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Naruto's Age: 7

Naruto's Mental Age: 8

Its been two days since Naruto had left the Hidden Sand Village, and reached the next village to continue his training...the Hidden Mist Village. Although Naruto was much stronger then he was prior to the beginning of his journey and was shown a great range of jutsu from Baki in sand...he knew that he needed more training, jutsus, and most importantly experience. The problem was who he would get to show him what he needed to learn, other then Kyuubi. However luck seemed to be on Naruto's side once more when he entered Kiri.

"COME ON DON'T YOU PEOPLE HAVE ANY SKILL!?" A loud voiced roared.

"Who the hell is being so loud so damn early in the morning!?" Naruto thought, as he went to see what the ruckus was about.

Naruto was rather confused when he turned a corner and saw what looked like a sparring match gone to hell, which bled into the streets. Though it seemed to be a one sided fight to Naruto...there was a large man who appeared to be a Mist Jounin fighting about ten other shinobi, all looking to be Jounin as well. Suddenly another one of the Jounin was thrown into a near by building crashing right thought the wall with a loud crack, as the large man laughed insanely.

"ISN'T ANYONE HERE A WORTHY CHALLENGE!?" The man screamed, obviously talking to anyone who was within listening range.

"Naruto, I want you to challenge that man, but make him agree to show you jutsu if you win." Kyuubi voiced inside his mind.

"H...Hai Kyuubi-sensei" He responded just a little taken back at the prospect of fighting this man.

"I will fight you..." His voice rang out strong, making all the audience and the man turn towards him.

"HAHA...You people seriously insult me...sending a mere boy to fight against me, hoping I'll stop!? You really are pathetic! Its no wonder why we haven't won any of the ninja wars before!" He answered a disgusted and angry tone.

"If I beat you, you have to teach me whatever you you know." Naruto said in a slightly agitated tone, to be underestimated just cause he was a kid wasn't something he took kindly too.

" you are serious then boy? Hm...very well, however I don't wish to have an idiot child's blood on my to beat me all you have to do is hit me once. And my name is Momochi Zabuza."

"Tsh...he is just like Baki-san...underestimating me cause of my age, but it will be easier then actually beating him at least" Naruto thought sneering a little.

"I accept, and I am Kazama Arashi." Naruto answered before disappearing.

Zabuza grabbed a foot next to his head that seemed to come out of thin air, making the rest of Naruto appear. He flipped and sent his other leg towards the tall man, but getting blocked as well. Zabuza let go of him and sent a kick towards the boy's chest, though Naruto was able to block it, the sheer strength of the kick sent him skidding across the dirt.

"Damn he is a lot stronger then I thought he'd be...taking many hits from him isn't I see why those Jounin had trouble." Naruto thought, shaking the pain out of his arms.

Naruto tried this tactic again, and although lasting longer then before, ended up with the same result only this time being sent into a building instead.

"Arashi was it? Just give up...if these pathetic Jounin couldn't even touch me what makes you think you can?" Zabuza said with a superior smirk looking at the hole the boy made.

Slowly a blue light seemed to emanate from within the hole, before it disappeared surprising Zabuza. He only had a split second to duck before a leg phased past where his face had just been. He kicked up from where the leg originated and felt a connection, as a body flew into the air, but had been able to land gracefully on the ground.

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