Chapter 27: The Fourth Great Shinobi War (Final)

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With Anko, Natsumi & Naruto,

"It seems like we've finally made it to his inner circle." Anko stated wiping off the remaining blood on her kunai, as she Naruto and Natsumi stood in the middle of a bloody clearing with nearly a hundred corpses each wearing the 'Oto' symbol behind them, and Orochimaru's remaining personal bodyguards in front but more importantly currently in their way.

"Good cause I like a massacre as much as the next demoness...but this is just TOO boring..." Natsumi said boredly, while sizing up the four bodyguards standing in front of her...Sakon, Tayuya, Kidoumaru, and Kimimaro. " least THEY look like a challenge." She smirked.

"You know that bet is still on between you two on who has the bigger bloodlust." Naruto joked while shaking his head, even knowing there REALLY was a bet going on within the shinobi ranks of snow.

"Well it won't be decided with us just standing here." Anko argued moving forward only to stop before a single step was taken when something was fired at her feet.

"I suggest you leave Orochimaru-sama alone." The monotone voice of Kimimaro spoke out.

"What the hell! If you were going to give them a damn warning shot, why didn't you just fucking kill one of them!?" Tayuya's feminine voice raged, though still with a tone of fear knowing that Kimimaru was the strongest of them.

"Because they have not directly attacked Orochimaru-sama...yet, if they had I'd have given no quarter." He retorted bluntly.

"Asshole" Tayuya whispered under her breath.

"Well that was interesting." Naruto said quirking an eyebrow at the display he just witnessed.

"Hai that it was..." Natsumi agreed, although for a completely different reason as she examined what was shot at Anko. "...I haven't seen the Shikotsu Myaku (Corpse Bone Pathways) Kekkei Genkai in decades." She finished sounding rather surprised.

"And...?" Anko questioned with a raised brow. "Is it a Kekkei Genkai that will pose a problem?"

"If Orochimaru weren't involved I'd say for us no. But with that man involved who knows what kind of perverse experiments he has done on that Kekkei Genkai..." Natsumi answered, before a grin dressed her face. "...however I'm excited to fight him. I haven't faced a Kaguya in some time." She finished taking on a far away look as if remembering a battle from long ago.

"I wanted him." Anko pouted.

"You can have the 'bitch' and the 'spider', I'll take the Kaguya, and 'pastey'" She answered, now eying her self-appointed prey.

"And what I'm just suppose to do? Watch?" Naruto questioned, looking at his mate expectantly.

"Of course not Naru-kun..." She cooed, giving him a wickedly evil smile. " my sexy kitsune are going to deal with Orochimaru. To make sure he stays alive long enough for us to complete the 'mission'." She explained, now getting grins from both Naruto and Anko.

"I think I can do that." He answered back, as he pulled 'Shinku Kaijin' from his hip and handed it to Natsumi.

"Just remember Whiskers, we want him alive...for now." Anko chided.

"Hai hai." He retorted dismissively, before he rushed forward, with the girls right behind him.

The Oto shinobi began to handseal seeing their three enemies charging forward. Naruto jumped into the air preparing to just jump right over them, with the four turning with him as he passed.

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