Chapter 19: Chuunin Exams (FINAL)

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One Month Later,

Its been exactly one full month since the preliminary matches of the Chuunin exams concluded, and it was finally time for the final matches. Konoha was bustling with people from all over the elemental nations to lay witness to this year's Genin hopefuls. The crowds were even greater then usual because of just who would be fighting in the matches, many of the participants being of famous lineages and would promise to present matches that wouldn't soon be forgotten to those lucky enough to witness them in the large arena dedicated for this event.

The arena itself was full to the brim with the audience that will witness today's events, all of them shouting to each other on just who would win against who. While many back-door bets were made amongst those brave, and rich enough to do so. Many prestigious people were there to witness the matches as well, including lords of the elemental nations, but most importantly three of Kages of the famous hidden villages: Hokage, Kazekage, and the Raikage.

"Hakage-dono it's been a long time" The Kazekage greeted his face hidden by his ceremonial robes.

"That it has Kazekage-dono, please have a as well Raikage-dono." Sarutobi greeted, hiding his anger at both Orochimaru's gall at pretending to be the Kazekage, and from the Raikage's past actions against Konoha...more specifically the Hyuuga clan.

All three leaders sat, and began a rather strained conversation concerning the exams.

"So I've heard that the famous Uzumaki clan has decided to partake in this years exams..." The Kazekage questioned sounding interested, making Sarutobi nod. "...I've also heard that the boy who was originally heir to that clan is participating as well, I wonder who would win if they fought?" He mused, getting a slight glare from his sensei.

"In the end it won't matter Kazekage-dono..." The Raikage answered, making the other two leaders look at him questioningly. "...because MY shinobi will be the one left standing at the end of the exam." He elaborated smugly, a smirk gracing his lips.

"Because if she isn't...she will never see her Kaa-san again!" He mentally threatened, as if trying to send the message telepathically to Yugito.

"We'll see Raikage-dono we'll see. However Hakage-dono I've noticed none of the participants around...where are they?" The Kazekage questioned.

"Ah...they are in the waiting room until it is time for the exams to start. It gives them time to mentally prepare themselves for their match without all of this noise." He said, making them all laugh...differences aside all three of them agreed it was far too noisy.

Waiting Room,

In the waiting room all but a select few of the participants lounged around each in their own little area, mentally preparing themselves for their matches. No words were spoken, complete silence reigned throughout the room, a tenseness clearly evident to those had cared to notice, while the others just say oblivious too concerned with their own matters. Finally a turn of the door knob seemed to knock everyone out of the tenseness, as Naruto and Natsumi walked in the room. The pair looked around the room, and expressed their salutations to the sand siblings with a smile and nod, while just passing over others such as Valios. However a certain candidate caught Naruto's eye and whom over to her, noticing she was staring at the floor.

"Yugito-chan" Naruto's boyish voice called out to the woman who seemed lost in thought.

Yugito looked up at being called and warmly smiled seeing her friends...more specifically Naruto

"Hi Naruto-kun, Natsumi-san" She greeted, before gesturing for them to sit down on the couch she herself sat on.

The two gladly sat and began to chitchat quietly with her, however Naruto noticed that during their conversation Yugito had began to unconsciously rub the palms of her hands in a soothing motion.

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