Chapter 21: Family Reunion

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Hokage Monument,

A top the Hokage monument a large wave of purple flames appeared before just as quickly disappeared leaving Naruto and Minato in it's wake.

"So...what..." Minato was about to question, but was stopped cold when Naruto quickly turned around and sent a powerful punch right into Minato's face, which sent him tumbling across the ground a good twenty yards away and into the underbrush of the forest that resided on the monument.

Minato shook his head from the haze that clouded his vision thanks to the sucker punch he just received before got back to his feet, wondering what brought that on. When he looked for Naruto he noticed his son was sitting at the edge of the monument with his legs hanging off the side looking on towards the war-ridden village. He noticed his reserved body language and gathered there was a reason for his actions. He sighed and walked over quietly and sat down in the same position Naruto was in.

"Care to explain what that punch was for?" He grumbled out, while massaging his already sore jaw.

"That? That was for birthdays three through six." Naruto answered, sounding both upset and sad at the same time, making Minato look on curiously.

"Could you elaborate...I'm not exactly up to date with the current news as you could imagine." He laughed at his own stupid joke hoping it would lighten the tension that hung in the air.

"I suppose you wouldn't...not that I could blame you considering your circumstances. However let me ask you this...what do you think happened to me, Uzumaki Kushina, and this village after you sacrificed your life to seal the Kyuubi into me?" His asked, looking him directly in the eye, his tone now completely void of all emotion.

Minato was at a loss for words...of all the questions he figured his son would ask, something as elaborate as this wasn't one of least right off the bat. Nonetheless he thought over everything that happened during the day of the attack, as well as his life within the village prior to that fateful day. Finally after a few minutes of silence Minato began to speak up.

"Well...I won't lie and say I thought everything would be perfect after that day occurred, I'm not naive enough to think that everything in the village would go back to the way things were before it. However at the very least I would think that once things began to cool down Sarutobi would tell everyone what occurred and how the fox was 'defeated', but more importantly how YOU played the key role for their survival..." He began, before pausing and let out a frustrated sigh and looked at his son. "Sochi...I wanted...I wanted for the village to look upon you as a hero. I know that is slightly idealistic within the circumstances, however I had faith in my people. I believed that the majority of them would see you as such. I never once thought EVERYONE would see you as what you should be, many people lost more then they ever dreamed of that day, and I don't think anyone could blame them for being hateful, and vengeful. Unfortunately that is just how people are in the world we live in. But because from the very start I knew you'd at least have your Kaa-san, the Uzumaki clan, the Inuzuka clan, as well as your god-parents by your side, you'd protected from any...misguided...treatment towards you. While those souls were 'reeducated' into how you were supposed to be treated. As far as you and and you're family well...if that punch was any indication I'd say my wife's clan trained you since the day you could walk...cause that punch was no joke and I think I lost a tooth. So I could only guess that by now you are probably a Chuunin or even a Jounin especially with the Kekkei Genkai you along with the training you've probably received." He said chuckling again still massing the pain in his jaw. "So...tell me was I in the ballpark?" He questioned with a smile and almost child-like curiosity in his sapphire orbs.

Naruto almost wanted to throw up at the garbage Minato just spewed out. However in truth he couldn't really blame him, many of his points even he agreed with himself. I mean who in their right mind would distrust a village they were the faithful leader of? Who would believe their spouse, immediate family, and the the child's own god-parents would just just up and abandon a child...not many, and not even Naruto himself. After tossing around Minato's words in his head, he let out a long-winded sigh.

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