Chapter 30: Epilogue

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Flames...desolation...and death...these were the things I witnessed as my eyes opened to the world around me. I know not how it is I came to be in this place, but seeing the skies tainted shades of crimson that could only remind me of blood, I knew that this was wrong...that I should not be here. I watched the clouds crawl across the sky whose forms were a ghostly grey as lightning bolts danced amongst them before deafening thunder claps echoed horrifically from every direction assaulting my ears soon after. I pulled my gaze back to earth and turned my head to and fro in hopes of finding something that could give me a hint as to what was going on or where I was.

However the only thing that appeared continually before my eyes, expanding like a never ending red and black sea was the charred, and burning earth, along with disintegrating ruins that were scattered haphazardly across it. I could immediately tell what these ruins once were and I felt my heart quicken almost painfully inside my chest at the prospect. They were buildings...offices, homes, apartment complexes, hospitals, schools...I was inside a village...but which I did not know. However the simple fact remained that while part of me was elated to finally know I was still in the world I should be...the rest of me dreaded the demise of this place so much more.

These buildings were now merely shadows, charred husks of their once proud purpose when they stood. Pieces fell off them, falling to the ground crumbling into nothingness before me. I looked away from the depressing sight and continued to survey what I could with my secret hopes of finding people, or even just a single individual to get the answers I so desperately wanted. Its seemed however the fates were against me, as my hopes waned swiftly the longer I looked, before a realization finally registered in my strained mind. Either the people of this unknown village were gone...or by what I've witnessed would have me believing, they were all dead.

Deciding on taking action I took several steps forward preparing myself to rummage through the village to search for anything of value...until I heard something...this something I could dare call a laugh. But it was far too malevolent...too corrupted to be called such a simple thing. The sound made my entire body tremble in unknown fear, feeling like a thousand needles in my heart. I could feel my brow grow sweaty, my palms clammy, and my mouth go dry as if I hadn't had anything to drink in weeks.

The sound died soon after it started, but my body retained it's frightened state, while my mind was raging between the two options ringing throughout. To turn around and see just what kind of unholy creature could produce such a sound, or to run. Run for my life and not look back until my legs could carry me no further away from this place. Despite my body's instinctual protests for self-preservation however, I slowly began to pivot my body around, with my eyes clenched shut and, my breathing completely ceasing as I did so.

When I felt myself turn that complete half-circle facing the other direction, I planted my feet, clenched my fists, as my entire body tensed at what I was about to do and things I would soon witness. Without another thought my eyes shot open, and the sight before me chilled my very mouth unconsciously opened as I screamed...yet no sound escaped my lips, but it did not stop me from trying. What I witnessed in front of me now...I knew I'd never forget for the rest of my life, and would probably keep me from sleeping ever again.

In front of me was an army that stretched on for what seemed like forever into the horizon and probably beyond. But this army...this army was not comprised of shinobi like I would have expected. Nor was it comprised of beings that I could ever fathom stepping foot in this plane of existence. Ghouls, goblins, and the undead...ravenous monsters...horrendous creatures that could only be conjured up in the minds of parents when telling their children bedtime stories to scare them. Yet here I stood only yards away from these monsters that had seemed to literally jump out of the deepest, darkest nightmares of man.

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