Chapter 8: Training: Year 5

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Naruto Age: 30 (Immortal)

Naruto Mental Age: 14

The old man that had visited them, told a rather interesting tale to the demon pair, and though they were reluctant at first to listen to him since it really wasn't any of their the end decided to help the man with his mission.


"Wow that was really a good dinner Natsu-chan!" Naruto complimented while happily patting his stomach on the couch.

"I'm glad you liked it Naru-kun." She replied warmly putting the dishes in the sink, before walking over and straddled Naruto's lap while lacing her arms around his neck. "Now who is ready for some dessert?" She asked sexily.

"You know I'm always ready for dessert my Beni-kisai" He replied in the same tone, with a smirk while his hands slowly massaged her thighs.

The two just smiled happily at each other, enjoying the sensual make-out session they were in...that is until a low knock at the door was heard.

"Who could that be at this hour?" Natsumi asked slightly irritated that she was interrupted from her 'Naruto' time.

The two reluctantly untangled from each other, and Naruto went to answer the door. A rather ragged looking old man was standing in the doorway, looking quite suspicious in Naruto's opinion.

"Gomennasai for the intrusion...but do you happen to be one of the wandering shinobi that came here a few months ago?" The man asked in a rasped voice.

Naruto quirked a brow. "Who exactly is asking?" He inquired dangerously.

"Ah gomen gomen, where are my manners. My name is Asama Sandayuu, and if you are who I am looking for I would very much like to speak with you and your sensei if I may." He stated in a slightly embarrassed but more jovial tone then when he first spoke.

"We will see what you have to say...please come in." Naruto said opening the doorway to let the man inside, before scanning the shadowed woods for anything suspicious, soon finding nothing he closed the door.

"Who is this and what does he want Naru-kun?" Natsumi mentally asked, not liking strangers in Kaname's house.

"His name is Asama Sandayuu and he was actually looking for us, although he didn't seem to know anything about us. All he asked is if I was one of the wandering shinobi that came to Snow early last year. Apparently he wishes to speak with us so I let him in to see what he has to say. Don't worry I already checked outside nothing is going on." He answered reassuringly.

"Please sit." Natsumi offered warmly to the old man pointing to a comfortable looking chair near the couch, feeling better after Naruto explained the situation.

"Arigato, ano I don't wish to waste your time so I'll just ask again...are you two the wandering student and sensei shinobi who came here last year and was taught by one Dotou's personal guards?"

"Hai" Naruto answered, taking a seat on the couch next to his mate.

Sandayuu smiled widely at this. "Ah good good! I'm so glad I was able to find you!" He said joyously.

Naruto forcefully coughed to get the man to calm down. "Now that you've found us...what exactly is it that you wished to speak with us about? And I assume that it is important enough to come visit at this late hour." Naruto said, while grabbing Natsumi's hand and just gently caressed it.

"Ah hai well...gomen for the intrusion...but hai you are right what I have to say and ask you is quite important..." He paused before clearing his throat. "...being in Snow Country in the last few months I'm sure you've notice the military mobilization of Dotou's forces correct?" He asked, receiving a nod. "Have you also heard of the rumor about people finding the long lost Hime-sama of this land who is in fact the rightful heir to the Daimyou of Snow country?" He asked, getting yet another nod from the pair. "Good then thats less explaining on my part..." He paused and coughed and stood straight and tall before continuing. "...while I've already introduced myself, I haven't done so fully...I am Asama Sandayuu: Taichou (captain) of the third legion of the true Daimyou: Kazahana Sousetsu's army, and I am the one who found our lost Hime-sama" He said in a regal and proud tone.

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