"Is this you first time?"

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⚠️tw: panic attack/bad mother/throwing up ⚠️

You (9 years old) are about to film your first ever big role in a movie together with Scarlett Johansson. The directors organized a debut to show the idea and actors to the press. You have no experience with press or fame, but Scarlett tries to help you.

6 pm. 2 hours before the premiere, in the make up room. Your sitting in a chair next to Scarlett looking nervous.

Scarlett: are you nervous?
You nod
Scarlett: is it your first carpet?
You: this is my first big role. Its a lot of firsts.
Scarlett: well don't worry, I've been doing this for way to long and i still get nervous. Its totally normal.

7:30 pm. 30 minutes before the premiere, you and Scarlett are both dressed. Your hair and make up is done  and your physically ready for the event:

 Your hair and make up is done  and your physically ready for the event:

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Scarlett: you look great honey You softly smile when your smile fades and you run of,Scarlett worries and follows you Scarlett: y/n wait! Where are you going?!! Scarlett runs after you and sees you hanging over the toilet throwing up, she quickly ...

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Scarlett: you look great honey
You softly smile when your smile fades and you run of,
Scarlett worries and follows you
Scarlett: y/n wait! Where are you going?!!
Scarlett runs after you and sees you hanging over the toilet throwing up, she quickly grabs your hair and rubs your back.
Scarlett: oh honey, are you that nervous?,
you nod in between
After your done Scarlett gently cleans up your face and gives your make up some touch up's since the make up grew already left and guides you back to where you first where with her warm hand on your back,
Scarlett: honey if you don't want to, you don't have to go.
You: I don't want to be considered "hard to work with" we haven't started filming, what if I get fired??
Scarlett: you won't, i promise. I wil make sure of that.
You smile at her nervous when a big black limousine gets parked infront of the door. The chauffeur gets out and holds the door open.
Scarlett: that's our ride.
You both get in the car.
Scarlett: okay honey, what's important is that you keep smiling okay? If you get nervous just grab my hand. We'll do this together. And just remember where you are and what your doing. Its important to ground yourself so you don't get lost in your stress and nerves. You got it?
You: smiling, hand, grounding. Yep got it.
What if I get lost in the crowd?
Scarlett: il hold your hand. The only time I don't is when I need to pose. But you would have to do that at the same time so you won't even notice before it's over okay?
You nod and 10 minutes later you arrive and see an huge crowd full of people with cameras flashing and screaming, you look outside and swallow. Scarlett is about to get out the car when she looks at you about to cry.
Scarlett: oh no no honey don't cry, we'll do this together okay??
You: t-together.
The chauffeur opens the car door and you hear loud screaming and see flashing lights everywhere.
You stand there and freeze infront of the car when a warm hand is met with yours. Scarlett guides you to the carpet and you begin to walk, posing and smiling together and answering some questions, then Scarlett bends down on one knee signing you to come closer to her so she can talk to you. You get closer with your face
Scarlett: okay we have to do some single posing okay? Just for 2 minutes
You nod and Scarlett kisses your head. She lets go of your hand and you walk over to the dot in the carpet that shows you the place you need to stand. All goes well until it doesn't. Your breathing gets uneven and you can't get any air though your throat. You start to get dizzy and tears start to form in your eyes. You keep smiling and laughing and the press is loving you. You just wish you where loving them to but instead it keeps getting harder to breath to the point you are hyperventilating. You feel the same warm hand touching you shoulder and Scarlett bending down again.
Scarlett: that wasn't to bad was it? You did it!
You: I-I C-can't b-bre-eath
Scarlett sees the state your in and realizes the 9 year old infront of her is having a full on panic attack. She sees the tears forming in your eyes but looks at you and keep smiling the whole time.
Scarlett picks you up hiding your face from the crowd so you can relax and tries to find the fastest way out of there. As soon as she saw a bathroom sign she ran in there with you and set you down on the counter top. You drop your smile and tears run over you cheeks. Your hyperventilating and freaking out.
Scarlett: honey just breath okay. Its over now. Shhh it's okay
She gives you a big hug and calmes you down. You just snick and cry softly in her arms when one of the directions walk in
Director: what happened? Is she okay?
Scarlett: yeah it just got a bit to much, did you know it was her first carpet?
Director: yeah I did, I gave her mother the number of the company that helps children for events like these, when I saw her pose and smile I thought she was doing great! Until you two ran of.
Scarlett: y/n honey did you go there to practice?
You shake your head
You: t-to expen-s-sive
Scarlett strokes your head that's hidden in her shoulder and she looks at the director worried.
You: I-I p- promise I'm n-not hard to w-work with.
Director: oh honey don't worry, I didn't even notice your state until I saw you crying in here. Today you showed everyone what a great actor you really are!
You pull back from Scarlett and smile softly.
Scarlett: let's get you home shall we?
You shake your head.
You: my mom works until 11. She expected me to stay here until the end. No one will be home.
Scarlett: do you want to stay the night with me at my hotel honey?
You nod
Scarlett picks you up to hide your face again and walks out the bathroom into the flashing lights.
Scarlett ignores all the questions and gets trough paparazzi and sets you down in the car.
The ride to Scarlett's house is quiet. But Scarlett gets a text

Director: I texted her mom asking if she could stay with you for tonight, she said she forgot about her and went home back to England. What do we do??

Scarlett; it's fine, she can stay with me as long as she wants.

Director: okay have a nice evening!

Scarlett puts her phone away.
Scarlett: y/n honey, your mom went back to England.
You: oh, she forgot again
Scarlett: what do you mean?
You: mom forgets me everywhere, I think she wants to get rid of me. She says she just gets "confused " but she never forgets anything except for me.
Scarlett strokes your head.
Scarlett: your going to stay with me for a while okay? I won't forget about you I promise.
You nod and smile at her

For the rest of the night you and Scarlett watch a Disney movie and order some pizza and later you both fall asleep in eachothers arms.

Scarlett Johansson and character one shots                               Where stories live. Discover now