"I need you"

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Tw: torture/almost death

Age: 14

Natasha is very strong, she's one of the best assassins there is. But stil she couldn't manage to get away from te
people that kidnapped her.

All she could think about was you, the 14 year old traumatized girl waiting for her only source of love to come home from work, but she wouldn't. Normally Natasha would come home at 7 a clock and cook together with, you would eat while watch a movie and then she would cuddle you to sleep. It has been 3 hours since she was supposed to come home, and she knew you where all alone.

Back to you,

It was 10 a clock and you where done, you knew something was wrong. You knew your way to the avengers compound so you decided to head that way. It was dark and you where walking down the streets alone. You knew nat would be so mad at you, this is so irresponsible. You where walking and walking until it all turned black.

Luckily for you you found nat, but you just didn't know it yet, while you don't know anything right now.

While you where walking you where followed. And when you weren't paying attention the same guys that took nat hit you on the head making you pass out on the floor.

You wake you and a metal chair, tied to it. Surrounded by 2 big muscled men. Your head was killing you and everything kept spinning,

Nats POv:

"Ahhh black widow, we have a suprise for you" a big guy said from outside the cell. He rolled in a old school TV and turned it on revealing you tied to a chair surrounded by men.

"Is that-"
"Yes! It's you lovely little girl, what was her name, ahh y/n."
"I swear if you hurt her-"
"Then what exactly? See that's the point. Hurting you is to risky you see. You are a pretty good fighter. But hurting her, that's easy. And I'm starting to think that that would hurt you even more."
"N-no please I'm begging you"
"Begging? Are you getting weak?"
"Please, she's just 14"
" your ARE weak" he said walking away.

The guys got they're cue to start with the torture.

"Okay, so lovely y/n, give me information about your Natasha"
"N-no" you say hesitating
"Turn it on" the man says leading electric shocks cursing trough you Body. You screamed in pain.

"Ready to talk?" The man says again.
"Come on y/n don't be so stubborn." Natasha says to herself
"No" you say getting shocked again.

Another guy came in with bucket, full of water. He threw it over your body and turned the shocks on again leaving you in more pain than you ever felt. You screamed until your body felt numb. You weren't passed out but it was safe to say you where fighting for your life.

Meanwhile a security guard walked passed nats cell and she grabbed her change. She got her hands through the bars and tried chocking him, successfully he fell down and she grabbed the keys that where attached to his pants, but when she opened the cell door alarms got of, she looked at you security footage, the man around you stressing and grabbing their baseball bads  starting to hit you hard. She ran as fast as she could finding the room you where tortured in. She finally got into the room and took down all men and running to you. She grabbed you head.

"Come on, hang on"
She said as she untied the ropes. She had no time to check on your health. She picked you up and ran out of there. When she couldn't see the building anymore she stopped running. She was in the middle of a grass field. She laid you down, cupping your face.

"Y/n come on wake up don't leave me"
She tried finding a pulse, but couldn't find one.
"Y/n? N-no your not dead COME ON!" She yelled and started to cry. She starts doing CPR on you trying to get her little girl back.

After 5 minutes of doing this you started coughing and gasping for air. Without thinking nat lifted your lump body hugging it as tight as she could.

"Your okay, oh god your okay" she said.
You coughed.

"N-nat?" You asked being really confused
"Shhh don't talk okay? Just breathe, your okay"
After she said that you fell asleep. Being exhausted and bruised.

You wake up in a white room. You where at the avengers compound. You wake up and see Natasha holding your hand.

"If you ever scare me like that again I swear-" you say getting cut of
"Me scaring you? God y/n you died" she said
You just looked her in her eyes
"I thought you where dead" you say tears forming in your eyes
"Oh honey" she says hugging you with you hugging her back
"I am right here okay?" She says.
"Nat, please never leave me, you can't leave me okay? You just can't"
"I won't, but you can't leave me neither okay? I need you honey"
"I need you" Scarlett says holding your hand and kissing your head.

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