Nat; "I know just how you feel"

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It has been 1 week since your escape from the red room. Tony has taken you in to fight with the avengers. Despite your age (14)  you are a awesome fighter and can beat everyone on the team. Expect for one person.

"Again" you say
"Y/n we have been doing this like 200 times" nat responds
"Yeah and I haven't won"
"Neither have I, a spare is fine for now"
"No, again"
And there you go, again fighting hit making the exact same movements
You stop sparing
"I-I don't, I don't know why y/n but you and I seem to have the exact same fighting skills and moves. It's like we had the same training"
You turn away from her because you know where she is going with this
"Don't nat"
"Don't what?"
"You where going to ask about my past"
" you haven't told anyone, we can't find your file. It's like you don't exist"
"That's good"
"Y/n please"
"I've been thought how to keep secrets nat, you won't break me"
"Y/n why don't you trust me"
"WHY NOT" nat yells back
You cut of your sentence realizing what you have just said
You try walking about but get held back by nat
"How do you?"
"Red room" you say annoyed and breaking your grip out of nats hand

You have been in your room for most time. You only went out for dinner but avoided any contact with Natasha. You weren't sure if she told anyone about your past.
You are sitting at the dinning table eating

Tony: we have another party tonight
Clint: again tony? Really?
Everyone sighs
Tony: yes again, and I have a suprise at the end.
Wanda; wel that can't be good can it.

You where at the party and tony took you all outside for the suprise. Natasha was already aware of the "suprise" and knew loud bangs wouldn't bring up the best memories for her.

She was sitting in the living room and heard loud bangs from the fire works. And suddenly she realized you where out there,

You where waiting for Tony's suprise when suddenly there where loud bangs and colours everywhere. Memories and flashbacks came running in your find and you breathing started to quicken. You couldn't see where the bangs where coming from since you only saw flashbacks. Suddenly you feel a hand grabbing your arm.

You get pulled inside and you fell a warm arm wrapping around you and another hand softly holding your head into a chest.

"Shhh breathe, just breathe"
You heard as you focused on the heard beat you could hear. Your breathing started to even out again and you where just hold and hugged by the person

"Your okay now, you are safe"
You heard the now reconizeable voice
You hugged the women tightly back and where scared to let go
"N-nat?" You asked making sure it was actually her
"It's me honey, I know just how you feel. It was just the fire works okay? Nothing else"
You slowly pull back and look into her eyes
"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you"
"It's okay honey, you where just confused about how you feel weren't you?"
You nod
"Do you want to watch a movie with me?"
"Okay, let's go"
Nat puts on a movie and after 16 minutes you crawl into her side and eventually falling asleep

"You will be okay little one" nat whispers into the sleeping girls ear.

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