"Let me tell you a secret"

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Tw: depression/sh/suicide
Relationship: motherxdaughter

"Hey honey, how was school?"
"It's was fine" you say walking upstairs.

4 hours later
"Y/N! Dinner!!" Scarlett yells from the bottom of the stairs
She walks upstairs after getting no response, and sees you sleeping.
"Y/n honey, wake up, dinner is ready"
"Dinner is ready"
You get out of bed and walk downstairs and sit down.
"Thank you for cooking mom" you say
"Your welcome"
The rest of dinner was silent. No talking.

After dinner you walk back upstairs and jump in your bed under the covers.

Later that night Scarlett comes to say goodnight but sees your already asleep.
She feels your forhead to check for a fever, but you aren't sick, wel not physically atleast.

She kisses your head and walks to her own room.

The next day it's 8 a clock and school starts at 8:30. Scarlett has heard your alarm clock go of multiple times but has seen no sign of you. So she goes to your room.

"Y/n? Are you okay? Are you sick?"
"J-just 5 more minutes" you say sleepy
"Your going to be late honey"
"Please mom, just 5 more" you say with tears forming in your eyes
"Hey, what's wrong" she says stroking your face
"N-nothing" you say turning around.
"Alright 5 more minutes" she says

After 5 minutes you get up brush your hair and get to school.

You come home to a empty house, you chill on the couch, before falling asleep.

Scarlett walks in and sees you on the couch sleeping. She crouches down.

"Y/n? Wake up honey" she says
""Y/n come on wake up!" She shakes you
"Y/N PLEASE!" She screams getting terrified.
Then you finally slowly open up your eyes
"W-what?" You say sleepy
"Oh thank god, y/n im going to call a doctor okay?"
"Why? What's wrong?"
She sighs
"Honey, this isn't normal. You shouldn't need this much sleep"
"Oh" you say
"Can I call a doctor for you?" She asks
"No I'm fine mom. I just feel- I-I'm fine"
"You feel what y/n"
"Nothing mom"
"Y/n what are you feeling"
"NOTHING! I don't feel anything okay?! That's the whole thing!!"
"W-what do you mean y/n"
You scream and run upstairs.
"Y/n wait!"

Two hours later she comes to check on you, she comes to knock on your door.
"Y/n can I come in"
"Wait a minute!" You says while putting on a sweater, covering your wrists and the red liquid poring out of them.

Scarlett comes in
"Hey honey, are you feeling better now?"
"Yeah I'm fine" you say
"Are you sure?"
"Mom im fine"
"Alright" Scarlett says, she goes to turn around when she notices a drop of blood falling on the ground
"What did you do?"
"Show me y/n"
"Y/n what did you do!" She says again
"M-mom" tears start forming in your eyes.
"Y/n show me, please"
You fall to your knees, feeling it's all to much.
"No, y/n. Just show me, I'm not mad okay? I want- I need to help"
"Can i see?"
You nod
Scarlett gently grabs your hands and remove the sleeve of your sweater from your arm.
She sees deep cuts that don't stop bleeding, but besides that she also sees scars.

You just cry.
"y/n your losing blood, I'm going to grab the first aid kid okay?"
She stands up and walks away

You fall to the ground completely. Your crying.

Scarlett walks back in and sees you laying on the floor.
"Y/n, hey stay with me okay? Stay awake. I'm going to take care of your wrists and then we're going to watch a movie together and it will al be just fine, just.- I love you y/n" Scarlett says crying and holding your hand.

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