"Does it still hurt?"

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Tw: bruises
Age: 16/17

"Please Bucky! Let her go!" Natasha begged while she was being held back by a hydra agent.

Bucky is pressing you against the wall having a strong hold on your neck. Black spots are forming infront of your eyes while bucky is fighting the brainwashing, hydra tried on him.

"Bucky please. You have to remember, she can't breathe buck" Natasha cries out again.

You look into nats eyes with fear.
While crying, you mouth her 3 words you thought where going to be your last.
'I love you'

Your eyes roll to the back of your head and  you lose consciousness.

The last thing you heard was crashing sounds and Natasha screaming and crying your name before your mind became blank completely.

2 weeks later.
Bruce walks back into med bay like he has been doing, 5 times a day, for 2 weeks straight. Checking your vitals and making sure you don't crash away like 5 times already.

"How is she doing Bruce?" Nat says still hurting by the whole situation.
"Her vitals are still weak. I need you to know nat, that by the lack of oxygen in her brain the changes are very likely that even if she wakes up, she won't be able to do anything"
"I know" she whispers
Bruce smiles at her sadly, before walking away

2 hours later.
Your eyes are fighting the bright light with vague figures in it.
The room you are in is quiet.
After blinking a few times, you see Natasha asleep on a chair next to you, holding your hand. You try talking but no sounds come out. Instead you are met with a terrible pain running down your throat.

You groan in pain and tears spring in your eyes. You try grabbing your throat but feel
An oxygen mask sitting on your face. You take it off and notice needles and wires in your arms, and your hands. You feel a little clip on your finger monitoring your heart rate.

You see your leg in a cast, and your arms full of bruises and cuts. Everything is sore and hurts. You are cut out of thoughts when an alarm goes of in your room.

Red lights are blinking. You are confused not seeing any alarm in the hallway. Why was the alarm only in your room?.

"Y/N!" You hear your loving sister scream with fear
"Hey, I need you to breathe" an unfamiliar voice tells you
You hear loud beeping coming from machines next to you getting louder and faster while you look up stressed looking for your sisters face.
"SOMEONE GET NATASHA OUT OF HERE!" You hear Bruce scream

Tears start streaming down your face.
You shake your head at Bruce's words.
"Y/n I need you to relax"
"N-n" you try, but can't get any sounds out your mouth
"What? What are you trying to say y/n?"
You cry out and try pointing to wherever you thought Natasha was standing, not knowing she's been dragged away
"Nat? You want Natasha?"
You nod while in tears.
"Y/n she can't help you I need you to-"
You cut Bruce of by sitting up straight closing your eyes tightly and covering your ears to block out any noises.

You stay like this for what feels like hours hearing vague mumbling sounds around you.

You suddenly feel a warm hand on your face. You directly recognize the warm, loving safe hand and slowly open your eyes. Looking at your sister.

She slowly takes her hands towards yours and takes them of your ears.

"It's me. Everyone is gone now. It's just you and me" she softly says. You practically jump in her arms crying.

She holds you tightly
"Shhh I've got you now. I'm here you are safe okay?"

After a long hug you separate.
"How are you feeling baby?"
You shrug
"How is your throat?"
"I-t h" you try and get out. But stop
"It's okay baby. I'm going to get you some ice cream. It wil help"
You smile at her.

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