"Was it that hard mom?"

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TIKTOK/my own experience inspired

Short one

Age: 16

You where  doing an interview. Just with the whole marvel cast. When some subjects came along. Eventually Scarlett was given a question:

"So Scarlett, in the behind the scenes we could see you and y/n have a pretty good relationship, how would you describe this?"

"Yes, honestly for the last few months y/n and I began creating a mother daughter bond, she's such a great and talented kid. I am so proud of you y/n"

That spooked around your head:
'I am so proud of you'

The interviewer came to you with the next question
"Y/n? Do you have anything to say to that?"

You looked at Scarlett, smiled and then looked directly at the camera. And you said:

"Was it that hard Mom?"

"Wow" was the only thing the interviewer could respond
"I guess that mean you don't like your mom very much do you?"

"Oh no, I love her, I just wish that wasn't coming from just me" you say

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