"I have autism"

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Tw: passing out

You were at Scarlett's home, just to hang out a little bit. You stand up from the couch.
"Y/n? Are you okay? You look a little pale"
You don't respond, but you pass out. Scarlett caught you

"Y/n! Oh y/n wake up! Come on!"
She gets up and calls 911
"Y/n come one wake up!"

After 2 minutes you start to stir a bit
"Y/n? Hey your okay, you just passed out" Scarlett says
"I'm okay, I'm sorry" you say
"It's okay honey, the ambulance is on their way, just lay stil okay?"
"A-ambulance?" You say confused
"Yeah honey"
"N-no they can't I won-"
"Hey shhh, slow down. Breathe, just breathe"
You stop talking and just look to the ceiling trying to calm yourself down.
The doctors come in with a hospital bed.

"Hi can you tell me your name?"
"Y/n y/l/n"
"Alright y/n, does this happen often or is this your first time"
"I'm fine, it happens a lot"
"You already have a medical reason?"
"N-no, I-it's mental"
" okay, can you tell me your diagnosis"
You look up to Scarlett watching you closely
"Autism, sometimes my brain just gets error, because of my autism it makes me pass out. It's like seizures."

"Alright, everything is fine, We don't need to take you in, just rest a bit and you will be okay" the doctor says

The doctors leave

"You never told me you had autism"
"Wel it didn't come up in a conversation, and I'm not just going to throw it around so idk"
"I'm glad your okay honey, is there no cure for this? The seizing I mean"
"N-no, wel i don't know. My mom just tells me I'm making it bigger than it is. So she never really sent me to a hospital or anything"

"So, how do you know it was your autism and not something else?"
"I went myself, they do have some medicine that makes it better, I've taken it for a while but-.."
"It got to expensive, so I had to let it go"

The rest of the night you stayed at Scarlett's house since she was a bit mad at your mother for not caring.

You fell asleep on the couch. And woke up next morning by the doorbell.
You got of the couch and looked who was at the door. Scarlett came back with a package.

"It's for you!" She says
"Just open it!"
You open the package and see your medication for you to last atleast a year
"But how did you?"
"I did my research, I ordered it as soon as you fell asleep"
You gave her a huge hug.

"Thank you so much Scarlett, this really changes a lot for me."
"Your so welcome honey, you more then deserve this"
"Thank you"

This is what happens to me because of my autism. I wish there was a medication for it for me but unfortunately there isn't. :(

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