"Please let me in!"

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Tw: abuse/death
Age: 14/15
Relationship: strangers

Scarlett was enjoying dinner with her husband while her kids where both staying at a friends house.

Suddenly they heard loud banging on the door and the doorbell ringing multiple times. Scarlett ran over to the security camera and saw a young girl, around 13/14, crying and panicking and looking behind her. Scarlett ran to the door and opened it.

"P-please, please let me in, I-I need help please" the girl cried
"Y-yeah ofcourse" scar said and got the girl inside and closed and locked the door.

She turns around to look at a completely freaked out girl crying. Collin walks in

"Scar? What's going on" he says walking up scar
"I don't know she needed help and I-"
"Scar" Collin tries interrupting but failing
"I had to let her in but I don't know what she needs and I"
"Scar!" He yells a little harder
"What?" She asks stressing out herself.
"She-, I don't think she's breathing well?"
"Wha-" she wants to ask but noticing the young girl hyperventilating and stressed out, she slowly slides down the wall landing on the floor. Covering your mouth with your hand.

Scarlett runs over
"Hey hey, it's okay now love, your safe now." But the girl doesn't stop

Scarlett feels her forehead with her hand and noticed the warmth forming because of stress

"Collin get some water and ice!" She screams

"Honey? You need to breathe okay? In and out"

The girl shakes her head.

"Honey look at me, come on. In trough your nose out trough your mouth"

The girl repeats what Scarlett says and starts to calm down a little. Collin comes back with ice and a glass of water and Scarlett grabs it from him. She holds the ice on your forehead as you keep finding your normal breathing pattern.

She places the ice away from your forehead to take a better look at you and replaces it in your neck. She gives you the glass of water and you drink some

"Are you okay?" She asks you and you nod
"Would you like to move to the couch? To talk?" And again you nod feeling slightly embarrassed.

Scarlett helps you but you freeze when a sudden dizziness comes in. You slowly fall backwards losing your balance but Collin catches you and Carrie's you to the couch and lays you down, and almost immediately you fall asleep from exhaustion.

"So.. what now?" Scar asks
"I don't know, but something tells me we need to take care of this. We need to take care of her."
"Yeah I feel the same"

2 hours later, you start hearing vague noises around you and open your eyes but your vision is blurry, after a few blinks you've got you vision back. You groan when you feel te beating in your head and a sharp pain in your wrist. it feels like you've been hit by a truck.

"Hey, sleepy head" you hear someone say, you look over to the voice and see a nice, soft looking women sitting infront of you observing you.

"Are you okay?"
You don't say anything

"Does anything hurt honey?" She asks again and you shrug.

"Mm, so not much of a talker are you?"
"Can you tell me your name?"

"I-it's y/n" you stutter with a scratchy voice.

"Nice to meet you y/n, my name is Scarlett, y/n honey can you tell me how old your are?"

"Thirteen" you say
"Mm okay, do you remember what happened?"

And then your speaking stopped, no matter how bad you wanted to tell her, no matter how much you wanted it out. You couldn't. You couldn't get the words out of your mouth.

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