"He doesn't deserve you"

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Tw: abuse?
(Tony's daughter)
Age: 14

You are sitting in the meeting room talking about a plan for the mission with the whole team.

"So has anyone got any ideas on how to get in?" Tony says

"Wel I know there is a do-" you get cut of
"Not now y/n, the adults are talking" your father cuts you of
"But im on this team"
"Yeah shush now before I throw you of it"
"Tony what the hell" nat says
"Tony go easy on her, she's a kid" Clint helps
"Y/n is just a pain in my but, so shut your mouths. Has anyone an idea?!"

For the rest of the meeting you just zone out looking at the floor. The whole team feels bad for you.

Later at dinner
Everyone is don't with eating
"Y/n go clean this mess" tony says
"But dad, why only m-"
You stop taking and start cleaning with tears in you eyes, after 2 minutes when tony isn't watching the whole team comes to you and start helping you
"Dad isn't going to be happy about this" you say sad
"We don't care" Wanda says
You try and put a plate away when you drop it.
"Are you okay?" Clint asks worried
"There's glass, y/n be careful don't step on it" Wanda says

They here footsteps coming
He grabs you by your arm and pulls you trough to room and you accidentally step into the glass. Tony' is about to lay hands on you when he gets held back by Steve
You fall to your knees. You are crying
"TONY GO AWAY!" Clint screams
Natasha comes to you and hugs you while sitting on the ground. She strokes your head
"Shhh, he doesn't deserve you , shhh"
"Why can't I ever be good enough for him nat?" You ask sobbing
"No one is honey, no one is"
You cry even more
"Let's have a movie night" Wanda says and everyone agrees
"Il get snacks" Thor says enthusiastically
You get to the couch and start watching a movie with some snacks when you fall asleep on nats lab
"Poor kid" Wanda says
"Why doesn't tony like her?" Clint asks
"Tony used to tell me how y/n is so much like her mother, maybe since she died.. " Natasha says
"It's a state of grief?" Wanda asks
"It shouldn't be like this, y/n should have space to grief to, without being scared of her father" Thor says.

When the movie is done everyone talks a bit more and you start to stir in your sleep.

"Y/n? Let's get you to your bed?" Wanda says
"No" you say sleepy
"Want to sleep in my bed with me? Where it's safe?" Nat asks
"Yes" you say.
You get up and bring one of the fluffy blankets from the couch. You wabble out of the room and nat follows while smiling to the whole team. The whole team melts at you cuteness

You get into nats bed and snuggle into her side after she got in

"You know that you are always good enough for me right?"
"Yeah" you whisper
"But I wish dad didn't change, he liked me before mom- y-you know"
"It's grief honey, he wil get Over it, and in the mean time you have a whole family who love you okay?"
"I love you nat"
"I love you two kiddo"
And she kisses your head and you both fall asleep

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