"These are battle scars baby"

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Tw: sh, suïcide"

You where sitting on Scarlett's couch with Flo and scar sitting next to you. You where switching between channels when a news channel came along and you saw a picture of you.

"Hey is that you?" Flo asked
"I think so"
"Flo turn the sound up"
Florence does just that

"Breaking new, new paparazzi picture of you child actor y/n y/l/n has captured new and old scars on her underarm that lead to a potential self harm addiction. (Random journalist name) what have you found about this situation?
- "y/n y/l/n is a 14 year old actress who has recently been dealing with a divorce of her parents. The teenager usually doesn't seem happy on paparazzi pictures but her most recent pictures showed self harm scars and fresh cuts. This shows that the girl has proba-"

The voice was cut of by Florence putting off the TV
"Y/n? Please tell me this is not true" Scarlett says
"I- I c-can't" you say and run away crying

1 hour later.
There is a knock on your door
"Y/n? It's Scarlett, can we talk"
No response
The door opens and you stand there nervous. It's only then when Scarlett notices blood running down you hand
You fall into Scarlett's arms
"Y/N?! Stay with me, stay awake. FLORENCE!!"
"I-I'm sorry"
"No no no stop don't your not going anywhere"
"Its okay"
"No! Don't oh please stay with me"
Florence comes running in
Scarlett yells crying.
Florence cry's two and calls 911. You hear sounds and voice that demp more my the second and eventually your cone.
"Y/N!! WAKE UP!"

1 day later.
You lay in the hospital.
"Y/n? Oh your awake"
You start crying
"I'm sorry, I am so so sorry, I'm sorry"
"Hey no no it's okay honey slow down"
Scarlett says while rubbing your back

3 hours later you watch the TV
" currently the only thing we know about the actress is that she is in the hospital after a suicide attempt po-"
The voice is again cut of.
"You shouldn't be watching that, the doctor discharged you. We can go home"

You and Scarlett walk outside the hospital only to be invaded by paparazzi.
Scarlett covers your face and wrist and you hurry back to the car.
"You okay?"

2 months later at the Oscar's
You walk out of you car greeting Scarlett and Florence who you see in the distance.
"Hi y/n!"
They both hug you.

"And now for the price of best actress....
Y/N with black widow!"
Everyone starts clapping and there goes your speech

"I uhh, I."
You looks at Scarlett and she breathes with you
Until someone yells something
And everyone gives the man a mad look and he gets taken out by the security guard.

You slowly take of you vest revealing your scars all on your arms and you speak into the microphone
"These are battle scars baby"
You yell and hold up your arm showing everyone.
Everyone claps and well, let's just say your speech will be going in the history books.

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