"You went to far"

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Tw: yelling/ mention of abuse/death/ blood (it's not as dramatic as it might seem. I promise ;)

Age you: 14
Age rose: 15
(Cosmo does not exits in this story.. sorry)

You got adopted by Scarlett when you where 6 years old. You and rose have been growing up to getting and you have gotten really close.

You walk down the stairs
"Hey mom" you say to Scarlett
"Hey honey. How was school"
"It was okay. Where were you? You weren't home when I got home"
"I was at work honey"
"How was it?" You ask
"It was-" her sentence is cut off
"Gosh you are such a people pleaser"
You hear rose say to you from another room.
"Love you to!" You say to her sarcastically
"What happened to you to?" She asks you
You sigh
"Rose is mad because the guy she likes has a crush on me" you say
"I see, typical high school drama huh?"
You smile at her sadly
"But how was work?"
"It was good sweetheart, I'll start cooking in 10 minutes. I'll call you when dinner is ready"
"Do you need any help?" You offer
"No that's okay"
"Okay! I'll be upstairs." You say and walk upstairs.

20 minutes later Scarlett hears screaming and yelling coming from upstairs, so she runs towards it.


"Girls slow down now" she orders
"I know sister have this-"

You stand there in shock. Tears start to form in your eyes.
"ROSE! GO TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW! IM DONE WITH YOU!" Scarlett snaps at her. Rose walks away angrily.

"Y/n are okay?" She asks you concerned
"Dinner was ready?" You ask ignoring the whole situation
"Y-yeah just 5 minutes"
"I'll go set the table"
"Y/n are you-" her sentence is cut of by you walking away.

You set the table and rose walk downstairs.
"Who said you could come down?" Scarlett asks sternly
"My stomach that is hungry"
You get up from your seat
"It's okay. I'm not hungry. You go have dinner with your own daughter" you say.
You practically run upstairs. Not wanting to show your tears

"Rose sit down"
Rose sits down
"You where to young to know" Scarlett begins
"Know what?"
"Why we adopted her"
"What? I thought she was in a orphanage her whole life"
"No honey. I was shooting a movie and she was working there too. She was around 6. I noticed some bruising over her body. Her father had been abusing her her whole life. Her mom died when she was 4. We bonded trough the filming progress and after we where done I adopted her."
"That's why she doesn't like new people? And why she flinches fast?"
"Yeah. She's traumatized. The only thing she wanted was to have a real family. You really went to far baby"
"I-i didn't know, I'm so sorry mom"
"It's not me you should apologize to, you should go talk to her"
"Can you stay with me?" Rose asks
"Yeah i think that would be a good idea"

They both walk upstairs. You are sitting at your desk making home work.
"Hi honey" Scarlett greets.
"Hi" you say.
"Rose wants to say something"
"It's okay- it's true. And I'm sorry for being such a burden. And I'm sorry my mother died AND IM FUCKING SORRY THAT MY DAD DIDNT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LOVE AND ABUSE AND IM SO FUCKING SORRY HE LIKES ME AND NOT YOU NOW DEAL WITH IT" you scream at them. You run away and run out the house
"I'll be back at 11!" You scream back.

Scarlett looks behind her and sees rose crying.
"Come here baby" she opens her arms and hugs rose tightly
"I'm going to get y/n okay? Wil you be okay?"
"I love you baby"
"I love you mom"

Scarlett leaves the house knowing exactly where you are.
She arrives at the graveyard and sees you sitting at your moms grave. 

You flinch and look behind you
"It's okay. It's just mama. You're okay" she assures you.
"D-do you think she would be mad at me for calling you mama?"
"I think she'd want you to be happy honey"
You begin to cry your eyes out even more.
Scarlett sits down at the floor next to you.
She holds you.
"I-I can't- I can't"
"What's wrong baby?"
"I can't breathe" you say crying.
"Hey shhh. Slow down honey. Just-"
She places your head on her chest
"Listen to my heart okay?"
You eventually calm back down.

You grab her tightly.
"I love you. I love you so much mom. So much" you cry out.
"I love you baby" she strokes your head
"I don't care where you came From. I wil always love you equally okay? Always"

You have been crying for 10 minutes straight while laying in your moms lap
"Are you okay y/n?"
You continue to cry
"Y/n tell me what's wrong?"
"D-do you think rose would've been happier without me?" You cry
"What?! No of course not. You are her sister. You'll fight but she'll always love you."
"I just don't want to continue ruining her life"
"Is this stil about this guy? Honey this isn't your fault. I mean you didn't flirt back did you?"
"No. I mean- I don't even like guys" you say
"You don't?"
"Yeah. I-is that okay?" You ask nervously
"That's more than okay. I'm proud of you baby."
"I love you mom"
"I love you to pumpkin"
"I want to go home" you whisper
"We'll do that then"

You walk home together and arrive at the house. You walk in and rose comes running to you. She gives you the biggest hug and begins balling. Because of this you begin to cry again too
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry y/n I'm sorry" she cries
"It's okay rose. I know you didn't mean it. I love you"
"I love you"

"Why don't you both get to bed? It's late"
You and rose both walk upstairs.
After about 10 minutes of laying in your bed you get out and walk to roses room.
But you bump into her hard making you both fall back on the ground. Your nose starts bleeding bad.

"Shi- MOM! MOM HELP!" Rose screams
"Shhh rose im fine" you say
But Scarlett already comes running to you.
"Rose get me some napkins"
Rose runs away
"Are you okay? Where does it hurt?"
You giggle at her worried face
"I'm fine mom. It's just a nose bleed "
Rose comes running back.
Scarlett keeps your nose closed while tilting your head forward.
"Okay can someone tell me what happened here?" Scarlett asks confused.
"I was going to" you both start at the same time
"You go rose" you say
"I was going to y/n's room because I couldn't sleep and we bumped into eachother"
"And where were you going y/n?"
"I was going to roses room because I couldn't sleep either"

After about 5 minutes your nose has stopped bleeding.
"Does it hurt?" Scarlett asks you
"No I'm fine"
She begins feeling your nose to see if anything is broke
"Mom stop it's fine!" You giggle to her
"Alright then. Now get to bed. Both of you"
You both get into your own room again.
After 5 minutes you check if your mom
Is in the hallway. The coast is clear so you sprint to roses room.

"What took you so long?!"
You get into roses bed.
"I'm really sorry y/n"
"I know, it's okay"
"You can have him if you want. You deserve to be happy"
"Rose I don't like boys. I like girls"
"That's great. You know I know this girl at school and she-"
"Rose. I'll figure things out myself okay?" You giggle
"Oki Doki"
"Oki doki? Who says oki doki? It's 2022 rose come on! No wonder why he doesn't like you" you joke around
"Oh shut up!" She giggles back.
"I love you rose"
"I love you sister"

Scarlett Johansson and character one shots                               Where stories live. Discover now